date: 03/24/2005 title: Pretty numbers author: Vincent Foley email: vfoley at gmail dot com comments: Usage: ruby entry.rb []. If character is specified, it must be a single character; don't forget to escape characters such as * or .. Non-digits in integer will be treated as 0. code: d=[30644250780,9003106878, 30636278846,66641217692,4501790980, 671_24_603036,131_61973916,66_606629_920, 30642677916,30643069058];a,s=[],$*[0] s.each_byte{|b|a<<("%036b"%d[b. chr.to_i]).scan(/\d{6}/)} a.transpose.each{ |a| a.join.each_byte{\ |i|print i==49?\ ($*[1]||"#")\ :32.chr} puts }