The Internation Obfuscated C Code Context is a programming contest with the explicit goals:
- To write the most Obscure/Obfuscated C program under the rules below.
- To show the importance of programming style, in an ironic way.
- To stress C compilers with unusual code.
- To illustrate some of the subtleties of the C language.
- To provide a safe forum for poor C code. :-)
While the contest is very successful at achieving these goals, it’s also spawned a tradition of encouraging interesting looking code. Dating all the way back to the first year of the contest, authors have not only written extremely obfuscated code, but also expressed their programs in the form of ascii art. As I find myself coming back to these entries quite often, I compiled a visual index of every IOCCC winner that was written with a coherent visual style.
Enjoy the pretty programs!
1986 - marshall
extern int errno ;char grrr ;main( r, argv, argc ) int argc , r ; char *argv[];{int P( ); #define x int i, j,cc[4];printf(" choo choo\n" ) ; x ;if (P( ! i ) | cc[ ! j ] & P(j )>2 ? j : i ){* argv[i++ +!-i] ; for (i= 0;; i++ ); _exit(argv[argc- 2 / cc[1*argc]|-1<<4 ] ) ;printf("%d",P(""));}} P ( a ) char a ; { a ; while( a > " B " /* - by E ricM arsh all- */); }
1987 - westley
char rahc [ ] = "\n/" , redivider [ ] = "Able was I ere I saw elbA" , * deliver,reviled = 1+1 , niam ; main ( ) {/*\} \*/ int tni = 0x0 , rahctup,putchar ( ) ,LACEDx0 = 0xDECAL, rof ; for (;(int) (tni);) (int) (tni) = reviled ; deliver = redivider ; for ((int)(tni)++,++reviled;reviled* *deliver;deliver++,++(int)(tni)) rof = (int) -1- (tni) ;reviled--;--deliver; (tni) = (int) - 0xDECAL + LACEDx0 - rof ; for (reviled--,(int)--(tni);(int) (tni);(int)--(tni),--deliver) rahctup = putchar (reviled* *deliver) ; rahctup * putchar ((char) * (rahc)) ; /*\ {\*/}
1988 - westley
#define _ F-->00||-F-OO--; int F=00,OO=00;main(){F_OO();printf("%1.3f\n",4.*-F/OO/OO);}F_OO() { _-_-_-_ _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ _-_-_-_ }
1989 - roemer
char _3141592654[3141 ],__3141[3141];_314159[31415],_3141[31415];main(){register char* _3_141,*_3_1415, *_3__1415; register int _314,_31415,__31415,*_31, _3_14159,__3_1415;*_3141592654=__31415=2,_3141592654[0][_3141592654 -1]=1[__3141]=5;__3_1415=1;do{_3_14159=_314=0,__31415++;for( _31415 =0;_31415<(3,14-4)*__31415;_31415++)_31415[_3141]=_314159[_31415]= - 1;_3141[*_314159=_3_14159]=_314;_3_141=_3141592654+__3_1415;_3_1415= __3_1415 +__3141;for (_31415 = 3141- __3_1415 ; _31415;_31415-- ,_3_141 ++, _3_1415++){_314 +=_314<<2 ; _314<<=1;_314+= *_3_1415;_31 =_314159+_314; if(!(*_31+1) )* _31 =_314 / __31415,_314 [_3141]=_314 % __31415 ;* ( _3__1415=_3_141 )+= *_3_1415 = *_31;while(* _3__1415 >= 31415/3141 ) * _3__1415+= - 10,(*--_3__1415 )++;_314=_314 [_3141]; if ( ! _3_14159 && * _3_1415)_3_14159 =1,__3_1415 = 3141-_31415;}if( _314+(__31415 >>1)>=__31415 ) while ( ++ * _3_141==3141/314 )*_3_141--=0 ;}while(_3_14159 ) ; { char * __3_14= "3.1415"; write((3,1), (--*__3_14,__3_14 ),(_3_14159 ++,++_3_14159))+ 3.1415926; } for ( _31415 = 1; _31415<3141- 1;_31415++)write( 31415% 314-( 3,14),_3141592654[ _31415 ] + "0123456789","314" [ 3]+1)-_314; puts((*_3141592654=0 ,_3141592654)) ;_314= *"3.141592";}
1990 - tbr
#define D ,close( char *c,q [512 ],m[ 256 ],*v[ 99], **u, *i[3];int f[2],p;main (){for (m[m [60]= m[62 ]=32 ]=m[* m=124 [m]= 9]=6; e(-8) ,gets (1+( c=q) )|| exit (0); r(0,0) )for( ;*++ c;); }r(t, o){ *i=i [2]= 0;for (u=v +98 ;m[*--c] ^9;m [*c] &32 ?i[*c &2]= *u,u- v^98 &&++u: 3 )if(!m[*c]){for(*++c=0;!m[*--c];); * --u= ++c;}u-v^98?strcmp(*u,"cd")?*c?pipe(f),o=f[ 1 ]: 4 ,(p=fork())?e(p),o?r(o,0)D o)D*f): 1 ,wait(0):(o?dup2(*f,0)D*f)D o):*i? 5 D 0),e(open(*i,0)): 9 ,t?dup2(t,1)D t):i[ 2 ]? 6 D 1),e(creat(i[2],438)): 5 ,e(execvp(*u,u))):e(chdir(u[1])*2): 3 ;}e(x){x<0?write(2,"?\n$ "-x/4,2),x+1||exit(1): 5 ;}
1992 - kivinen
#include <X11/Xlib.h> #define ext(a) (exit(a),0) # define X( x,v,y) XMoveWindow(d,s[x],(v)*z,(y)*z) # define _ ButtonPressMask|ButtonReleaseMask # define I( x,y) XSelectInput(d,s[x],y) # define N( v) (XMapWindow(d,s[v]),v) # define V VisibilityChangeMask # define A XCreateSimpleWindow # define D DefaultScreen(d) # define E r.xbutton.button # define R BlackPixel(d,D) # define S r.xvisibility int main(a)int a;{Window s[53];int w,u,i,c,y,l=0 ,q,e=32,t,k,j=~0,z=(a+1)/2,x=a&1,v=z&1;XEvent r;Display* d=XOpenDisplay("");s[0]=A(d,DefaultRootWindow(d),200,200,(x& v?330:120)*z,215*z,2,R,R);I(N(c=0),_);for(;c<(x?32:52);c++){s[ c+1]=A(d,s[0],x ?c*20*z:(c-1)%10 *12*z,x?-20*z:( c-1)/10*12*z,x ?z*(c^31?10: 2):z*10*(c?1:2 ), x& v?z*10: (c &&!x?10:1+ x) *z,k =q=1, R, WhitePixel(d ,D));I (N(c+1), V);}X( N(1),y=(x&v) *115+50,x*70+ 60 ); X(N(c-- )+ 1,x?-10:(i=y) ,u=!x*130-20); while(c &&e< 160){if(x){if( v){l=!(e &32)*9; for(w=30; w--;){ if(s[w+2]){ k=w% 10;l=e&32?k>l?k:l:k<l?k:l;X(w+2,10+k *20+q,(w/10)*20+e);}}l*=20; e&31?e++:e&32?(q++,(q+l>300?e++:0)):(q--,q+l<10?e++:0); } u>140? ext(c):u>-20?X(32,i,u-=(v?5:-1 )) :(!v?(u =5,srandom(time(0)),i= random()%88+6):0); } else{k>0?i+=(i>105?k= -k:k):(i+=(i<1?k= -k: k)); j>0?u +=(u>140?ext(++c):j):(u+=(u <1?j= -j:j )); X( 52,i,u);}XSync(d,0); while( XCheckMaskEvent(d ,_|V,&r))if(!(r. type==ButtonPress ?(E&1||!x||!v?t=E*4-8 :u<0?i=y+4,u=122:1):r .type==ButtonRelease&&E?t=0,1:r.type^VisibilityNotify|S.state^1) )for(x&v?(u= -15),w++:(w=0);++w <52-x*20;)if (s[w] ==S.window)x&&v|| w ^1? XUnmapWindow (d,s[w]) ,s[w]=0,c--: 0,l=1; if(!x&&l)j= -j,l=0; if(l&x&&!v )u=~19,c--,l=0;t=(!x||!v) &&(y<5&&t<0||y>95&&t>0)?0 :t;s[1]?X(1,y+=x&v?t:t/(x+1),130):ext(++c);};return(c);}
1992 - westley
main(l ,a,n,d)char**a;{ for(d=atoi(a[1])/10*80- atoi(a[2])/5-596;n="@NKA\ CLCCGZAAQBEAADAFaISADJABBA^\ SNLGAQABDAXIMBAACTBATAHDBAN\ ZcEMMCCCCAAhEIJFAEAAABAfHJE\ TBdFLDAANEfDNBPHdBcBBBEA_AL\ H E L L O, W O R L D! " [l++-3];)for(;n-->64;) putchar(!d+++33^ l&1);}
1993 - ejb
static signed char a[] = {0x69, 110, 118, 97, 108, 105, 0x64, 1-1, 0x6d, 111, 118, 101, 1<<1<<1<<1<<1<<1, 114, 105, 0x6e, 103, 32, 'o'/3, 100, 32, 102, 114, 111, 0x6d, 32, 115, 116, 97, 100-001, 107, 32,37, 2*'2', '@'>>1, 116, '%' + '%' + '%','w'-'W',115, 0x74, 97, 3*'!', 107, 'q' - 'Q', 37, 10*'\n', 10, 0}, * b = a + (1<<1<<1<<1), * w, x, *q, c, r; int main(int d, char *e []) { return q = (signed char *)(e+1+1), (r = e[0] && e[1] ? 0 : 0 * puts (a) + 1) || (r = e[1<<1] && d != 1 <<1 && 0 * puts( a) + 1) || e[1- -1] || (r = atoi(e[1]) < -0200 || atoi (e [1]) > 0x7f || ( x = atoi( e[1] ) ) == 0 ? 0 * puts(a) + 1 : 0) || e [1- -1] || (x- -x > 1-1 ? (q[0] = x, q[1] = q[3] = 1, q[2] = 2) : ( memset ( w = ( signed char * ) malloc(-x), '1', -x), puts (w), q[0] = x, q[1] = '0', q[2] = q[3] = 0)), r || (q[3] ? (c = 6 - q[1] - q[2], (q[0] != 1) ? q[0]-- , d = q[2], q[2] = c, main(2, e), c = q[2], q[2] = d, q[0] ++ : 0, printf(b, q[0], q[1], q[2]), (q [0] != 1) ? q[0]--, d = q[1],q[1] = c , main(2, e), c = q[1], q[1] = d, q[0] ++ : 0) : - 1 - q[0] - 1 == 0 ? (w[- x - 1 - (q[1] & 1 ^ 1)] = q[1], puts (w), w [ - x - 1 - (q[1] & 1)] = q[1], puts(w) ) : - 1 - q[0] == 0 ? (w[- x - 1] = q[ 1 ], puts(w)) : (q[0] += 1 + ( q[1] & 1 ^ 1), main(2, e), q[0] -= 1 + ( q [1] & 1 ^ 1), q[1] & 1 ? (q [0]+=1+1, q[1]^=1, main (2, e), q[1]^=1, q[0]-=1 +1) : 0, w[q[0] - x] = q [1], puts(w), q[1] & 1 ? 0 : (q[0]+=1+1, q[1]^=1, main (2, e), q[1]^=1, q [0]-=1+1), q[0] += 1 + (q[1] & 1),main(2,e) , q[0] -= 1 + (q[1] & 1) ) ), r; }
1993 - vanb
O5(O2,O7,O3)char**O7;{return!(O2+=~01+01)?00:!(O2-=02>01)?printf("\045\157\012" ,O5(012,O7+01,00)):!(O2-=02>>01)?(**O7<=067&&**O7>057?O5(03,O7,*(*O7)++-060+010 *O3):O3 ):!(O2 -=-O3- ~O3)? (072>** O7&&060 <=**O7 ?O5(04 ,O7,012 *O3-060 +*(*O7 )++):O3 ):!(O2 -=!O3+ !!O3)?( **O7>057 &&**O7 <=071? O5(05, O7,*(* O7)+++ O3*020 -060): **O7<= 0106&& 00101<= **O7?O5 (05,O7 ,020*O3 +*(*O7) ++-067) :0140<** O7&&** O7<0147 ?O5(05, O7,-0127 +*(*O7 )+++020 *O3):O3 ):!( O2-=02- 01)?(** O7==050 ?050** ++*O7, O5(013, O7,O5( 012,O7 ,00)):* *O7<056 &&054<* *O7?055 **++* O7,-O5( 06,O7, 00):054 >**O7&& 052<** O7?050* *(*O7) ++,O5(06 ,O7,00 ):!(** O7^0170 )||!( 0130^** O7)?*++ *O7,O5 (05,O7 ,00):* *O7==0144 ||**O7 ==0104 ?++*O7 ,O5(04, O7,00): O5(03 ,O7,00 )):!-- O2?(* *O7==052 ?O5(07 ,O7,O3* (*++*O7 ,O5(06 ,O7,00) )):!( 045-** O7)?O5( 07,O7, O3%(03+( *O7)++, O5(06, O7,00) )):!(** O7^057)?O5(07, O7,O3/( 03-*++ *O7,O5( 06,O7,00))):O3 ):!(O2 +=01-02 )?O5(07 ,O7,O5(06,O7, 00)):!( O2+=-02/ 02)?(!(* *O7-053)?O5(011,O7,O3+(++*O7,O5(010,O7,00))):!(055^**O7)?O5(011,O7,O3-(03+*(*O7 )++,O5(0010,O7,00))):O3):!(O2-=0563&0215)?O5(011,O7,O5(010,O7,00)):(++*O7,O3);}
1994 - dodsond1
#define X N(a,O(h,W(f,M(c,g))),O(i,W(f,M(d,g)))) #define A(x) r(D(x,1); O(x,-9); D(x,O(x,1))) #define L(x) getchar()-x #define R Z,Z,0,0 #define S 0,9,6,6,6,6,6,6,9,0 #define q D(h,0); A(f)A(g) #define T 0,6,1,2,2,2,2,1,6,0 #define U 0,6,2,3,3,3,3,2,6,0 #define C(x) ((x<1)||(x>8)) #define F(x,y) printf(x,y); #define N(x,y,z) *O(*O(x,y),z) #define y(a,b,c) a[b][c] #define O(x,y) ((x)+(y)) #define u(x) (O(0,-(x))) #define W(x,y) ((x)*(y)) #define G(x) printf(x); #define D(x,y) (x=(y)) #define P (random()%6) #define Y D(e,O(e,1)) #define s D(f,O(f,Q)) #define H(x) return x #define B(x) while(x) #define M(x,y) *O(x,y) #define z(a,b) a[b] #define E(x) if(x) #define I main(){ #define Z 0,0,0,0 #define t G("\n") #define V(x) (!x) #define v h,i,j,k #define w e,f,g #define J int #define Q u(1) #define p "%c" #define o 'A' #define r for #define n 60 #define K do J y(a,10,10)={R,R,R,R,Z,1,Q,Z,Z,Q,1,R,R,R,R,Z},y(b,10,10)={R,S,T, U , U , U , U , T , S , R } , z ( c , 9 ) = { Q , Q , Q,0,0,1,1,1,0},z(d,9)={Q,0,1,Q,1,Q,0,1,0};I J w,v;l();r(D(e,0);O( e , - n ) ; Y ) { q D ( h , O ( h , m ( f , g , 1 , 1 )));E(h){K{G("\n?")K{D(f,L(O('A',Q)));}B(C(f));K{D(g,L('0'));}B(C ( g ) ) ; } B ( V ( m ( f , g , 1 , Q ) ) ) ; l ( ) ; }q E((D(k,O(m(f,g,Q,1),P)))>h){D(h,k);D(i,f);D(j,g);}E(h&&m(i,j,Q , Q ) ) /***/ l /***/ ( ) ; } } J m (/* */v/*****/) J v ; { J w ; /***/ E /***/ ( N ( a ,h,i))H(0);E(O(k,Q))D(N(a,h,i),j);D(e,N(b,h,i));r(D(g,1);O(g,-9); D ( g , /***/ O /***/ ( g , 1 ) ) ) {/*****/D/* */( g , O ( g , Q /***/ ) /***/ ) ; E ( V(O(N(a,O(h,M(c,g)),O(i,M(d,g))),j))){r(D(f,1);V(O(X,j));D(f,O(f, 1 ) ) ) ; E ( V ( O ( N ( a , O ( h , W ( f , M ( c , g))),O(i,W(f,M(d,g)))),u(j))))r(s;f;s){X=X*k;D(e,O(e,N(b,O(h,W(f, M ( c , g ) ) ) , O ( i , W ( f , M ( d , g ) ) ) ) ) );}}D(g,O(g,1));}E(V(O(e,u(N(b,h,i))))){D(N(a,h,i),0);H(0);}H(e); } l ( ) { J f , g ; t A ( g ) { F ( p , O ( O ( o , g ),Q))A(f)F("%c:",M("X O<",O(N(a,g,f),1)))t}G(" ")A(f)F("%d ",f)t}
1994 - horton
#define S(r, c) f[r][c] = 1; char f[96][160]; main(argc, argv) char **argv; { double x, y, atof(); int r , c , bi , bj , i ; for (i=10; i<=80 ; i ++) { S(i, 18); S(i, 152) ; } for (i=18; i<=152; i++) { S(10, i); S(80, i) ; } for (x=-20; x<=10; x += .05) { y =atof(argv[1]) * x * x * x + atof(argv [ 2 ])*x*x+atof(argv[3]) * x + atof(argv[4]) ; r = (500 - y)*.07+10 ; c =(x+20)*4.33333 + 20 ; if(r>=10 && r<=80 && c >= 20 && c<=150) S ( r, c); } for ( r =0; r < 24; r ++ ) for (c=0; c <80; c++) { bi = 4 *r;bj=2*c; i=(((f[bi][bj]<< 3 ) +(f[bi+1][bj]<<2)+(f[bi+2][bj]<<1)+(f[bi + 3 ][bj]<<0))*16+ (f[bi][bj+1]<<3)+( f [ bi+1][bj+1]<<2)+(f[bi+2][bj + 1 ]<<1)+(f[bi+3][bj+ 1 ] <<0)+1)*(c<79 ) ; putchar ( "\n ..,.;:j'::;';!|._:,;;;j/;;;jjjj.,-,r<jq/;I;/|I|,,rx///d///d///d.:\\;\ -=vq':<|':++;;>;==gg':SS///+:\\\\\\r<wq/<64//d+lL+by[pg/</6///+`::;`\\\\\ \\\"::;`\\YT;;;;`2>\\:=;;??]]:;;;>2>\\F;O;7?]7;;;;?2>b;;;;??]#'\\\\\\`\\\ \\\\''<5\"\"Vq;\\\\\\`=\\\\''55\"?ggILLLD\\bfF[[[P?#M|||||#+#T[FFP?PM'" [i]); } }
1994 - schnitzi
#include <stdio.h> int r=0,x,y=0, /* nt / c lx /\ / \ /|\ /|\ u, \/ \\/ \-/ \ / dn ] e= ||| /|\ /\ /\ = p p 0 \/ \ / ||| \/ f f f r r <, tw t s s i i sy || /|\ /\ i eh e e c n n t= /- \ / ||| n li l e a t t d0 ||| t ll l {< k n f f i, || /|\ /|\ (e s ( fr ( f ( ( o _ ||\ \ / \-/ tu s( t usw o; i s ( " " . || - / c [[ tg rv [th rx=f t " % \ h mh111 de{l) +di (+'( d+% c n+ > aa000 itte; > +il x+ n inc " "+ / ir000[ns[nytyrrne<=)'<xn," , ); */ n = 0 ; main ( ) { char v [ 100 ] , s; int t[100 ] , u[100 ] ; u [ 0 ]=ftell(stdin ) ; while(gets (v ) ) {t [ r ]= strlen ( v);y= t[ r ] >y ? t [ r ] : y; u[++r ] = ftell(stdin ) ; } while ( n < y ) {for(x=0 ; x <r;x++) { s =' ' ; if(n< t [ x ] ) { fseek(stdin ,u [ x ] +n , 0 ) ; scanf("%c", & s ) ; } printf("%c", s ) ; } printf("\n"); n ++ ; } }
1994 - tvr
#include <X11/Xlib.h> #define M typedef #define N( a)=r=(a)+j #define S f(; G; )D[B[R=i[--G]]=F+=F<p]++ #define f for #define g [H] M short a; M int b; M unsigned c ; M unsigned char*d; M XPoint *e; M void _; b*h,*i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p ; b O; d A ,B,C; _*q,*r,*calloc(); e s ,t; Window u,v; GC x[256]; b D[256]; b w,y, z;_ Q(b E) { XMapWindow(q,v=XCreateSimpleWindow(q, XRootWindow (q,z=XDefaultScreen(q)),!v*n,0,n,n,0,0,0)); XSelectInput ( q,v,E); } _ P(){ C N(h N(i N(s N(t N(A N(B=calloc(C-B+256,1) ) )) ))); } _ J(){ b F,G,H; c R =w %4; F=G=m; f(H=0; H<j ; H++){ h g =l+(R-2?R?R-1?(G-F*F/n)+F*n:(G*G-F*F) /m*n+2*F*G/ m: 2*(F*F- G*G)/m+4*F*G/m*n:G+ F*n);( s g. x= m-F--,s +H) ->y=m-G;F= F+m?F:(G--, m);}} _ K(){ b H,R; f(H=0;H<j;H ++)D[ B g=(c)(R =h g+k)< j? (A[ R]<p)+A [R ]: 1] ++ ; } _ I ( d F) { F?(_)0:(_ ) (F=B, gets( B)) ; y=atoi(F);} _ Y(){ b F, G; c R ; F = G = 0; K( ); f( R = k + l ; R < j && ( F = B[ R ] ) < p; R = h [R ] + k) { D [ F ] -- ; B [ i [ G ++ ] =R ] =p; } if ( R >= j) F = 1; S; } _ L() { b H, F,G; c R ; f( H =0; H < j; H ++) B g =0; O =-1; f( G = R = 0; R < j; R++ ){ f(; R < j && !( F = B[ R ]); R = h[ R ] + k) B [i[ G ++] = R ] = p; S; } } _ U() { e X [ 256 ] ,W; b H; W = t; f ( H = 0; H < o; H ++ ) { X g = W; W +=D g ;} f( H =0; H < j; H ++) if( A g - B g) * X[ B g ] ++ = s g; { XMotionEvent * V = r = t ; W = t; f ( H = 0; H < o ; H ++ ) { XDrawPoints (q , v ,x g, W,X g -W, CoordModeOrigin ) ; W += D g ; D g = 0 ; } f(; XPending(q)+! ++O; V->type- ButtonPress?( k =V ->x+ V -> y * n - l) : ( O = - 42 ) ) XNextEvent ( q , r = V ) ; } } _ main ( b X , d * W ) { b H, F ,G; c R; if ( X < 3 ) { puts( "tvr: mode size < cmap" ); exit(0);} P(); I(*++ W); w = y %12; I(*++ W); n = y *2; j = n * n ; P ( ) ; m = y ; l = j / 2 + m ; q=XOpenDisplay ( 0 ) ; Q ( 0 ) ; u = v ; Q ( PointerMotionMask |ButtonPressMask ) ; I ( 0 ) ; o =y ; p = o -1 ; { XColor F ; Colormap G; f ( H = 0 ; H < o ; H++){ I(0); XParseColor(q,G =XDefaultColormap ( q , z ) , r = B , & F ) ; XAllocColor (q , G , & F ) ; XSetForeground (q,x g = XCreateGC ( q, u ,0 , 0 ) , F .pixel ) ; } } P ( ); J (); f ( F =R = G =H = 0; H < j; ) if(++F >= p || ( R = h [ R ] +G)>=j ) { D [ B g = F ] ++; R = l + k; G= ++H -R; F =0; } H=j; U(); v= u; f(F=w/4; ; A+=H-=H+H,B-=H )(O<0?L:*("" +7*F)?F^1?Y:K:L)() ,(U)(); }
1995 - dodsond1
#define X #define XX #define XXX #define XXXX #define XXXXX #define XXXXXX #define XXXXXXX #define orfa for #define XXXXXXXXX #define archa char #define ainma main #define etcharga getchar #define utcharpa putchar X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X XX X X XX X X XXX X XXXXXXXXX X XXX X X XXX X XXXX XXXX X XXX X X XXXX X XX ainma(){ archa XX X XXXX X X XXXX X oink[9],*igpa, X XXXX X X XXXXXX atinla=etcharga(),iocccwa XXXXXX X X XXXX ,apca='A',owla='a',umna=26 XXXX X X XXX ; orfa(; (atinla+1)&&(!((( XXX X X XX atinla-apca)*(apca+umna-atinla) XX X X X >=0)+((atinla-owla)*(owla+umna- X X X atinla)>=0))); utcharpa(atinla), X X X atinla=etcharga()); orfa(; atinla+1; X X X X ){ orfa( igpa=oink ,iocccwa=( X X X X (atinla- XXX apca)*( XXX apca+umna- X X X atinla)>=0) XXX XXX ; (((( X X atinla-apca XXXXX XXXXXXX XXXXX )*(apca+ X X umna-atinla XXXXXX )>=0) XXXXXX +((atinla- X X owla)*(owla+ XXXX umna- XXXX atinla)>=0)) X X &&"-Pig-" XX "Lat-in" XX "COb-fus" X X "ca-tion!!"[ X (((atinla- X apca)*(apca+ X X umna-atinla) X >=0)?atinla- X apca+owla: X X atinla)-owla X ]-'-')||((igpa== X oink)&&!(*( X X igpa++)='w') X )||! X (*( X igpa X ++)=owla); * X X (igpa++)=(( X ( XXX XXX X atinla-apca X X )*(apca+ X umna XXX - XXX X atinla)>=0) X X ?atinla- X apca XXX + XXX owla X :atinla), X X atinla= X X X X etcharga()) X X ; orfa( X atinla=iocccwa?(( X (atinla- X X owla)*(owla+ X umna-atinla)>=0 X )?atinla- X X owla+apca: X atinla): X atinla; ((( X X atinla-apca)* X (apca+umna- X atinla)>=0)+( X X (atinla-owla)* X (owla+ X umna-atinla)>= X X 0)); utcharpa( XX XX atinla),atinla X X =etcharga()); XXXXXXX orfa(*igpa=0, X X igpa=oink; * igpa; utcharpa( X X *(igpa++))); orfa(; (atinla+1)&&(!((( X X atinla-apca )*(apca+ X X umna- XXXXX XXXXX atinla)>=0 X X )+(( XXXXX atinla- X XX owla)*( owla+umna- XX XX atinla)>=0))); utcharpa XX XX (atinla),atinla= XX XX etcharga()); } XX XXXX } XXXX XXXXXXXXX
1995 - dodsond2
#include <time.h> #include <curses.h> #define P(A,B,C,D,E) mvaddch(b+A,a+B,(q[y]&C)?D:E); #define O(A,B,C) case A:if(q[x]&B)C;break; #define R rand() #define U 0,1,4,5 #define J(x) (1<<x) #define V ' ' int r[27] ={0,J(0) ,2,1 ,3,J (2),5,U, U,U,U,U}, u[6]={-1 ,7,49,-49,-7,1},q[343],x,y,d,l=342,a,b ,j='#';int main(){srand(time(0));for(x =0;x<343;x++)q[x]=0;x=R%343;while(l){d =r[R%27];if(((x%7==(x+u[d])%7)+(x/0x31 ==(x+u[d] )/0x31)+ (((x/7)%7 )==(((x+ u[d])/7)% 7))==J(1 ))&&(x+u[d]>=0)&&(x+u[d]<343)){if(!q[x +u[d]]){q[x]+=J(d);x+=u[d];q[x]+=J(5-d );l--;}else if(R<R/0x7){do{x=R%0x157;} while(!q[x]);}}}x=294+R%0x31;initscr() ;noecho( );crmode ();clear (/*|*/); refresh( );while( x>0){move(J(0),60);printw("Level %d",( x/0x31)+J(0)); q[x]|=J(J(3));for(y=(x/ 0x31)*0x31;y<(J(0)+x/0x31)*0x31;y++)if (q[y]&J(J(3))){a=J(0)+(3*((y/7)%7));b= J(0)+(3* (y% 7)); mvaddch( J(1)+((y %7)*3),J (1)+(((y /7)%7)*3 ),V);P(0 ,0,0,0,j )P(3,0,0 ,0,j)P(0,3,0,0,j)P(3,3,0,0,j)P(0,J(0), J(0),V,j)P(0,J(1),J(0),V,j)P(J(0),3,J( 1),V,j)P(J(1),3,J(1),V,j)P(J(1),J(0),4 ,'U',V)P(J(1),J(1),J(3),'D',V)P(J(0),0 ,J(4),V, j)P(J(1) ,0,J(4), V,j)P(3, J(0),J(5 ),V,j)P( 3,J(1),J( 5),V, j)} mvaddch(J (1)+((x%7 )*3),J(1) +(((x/7)% 7)*3),'@') ;refresh() ;switch(getchar()){O('k',J(0), x--)O('j',J(5),x++)O('l',J (1),x+=J(3)-J(0))O('h' ,J(4),x-=7)O('u',4 ,(x+=49, clear()))O('d',8,(x-=49,clear ()))case 'q':x=-1;break;}}clear();refresh (/*v*/); nocrmode ();echo();endwin();if(! x)printf ("You Escaped!\n");exit(0);}
1995 - esde
#include <stdio.h> static char atoi['C'^'c']="__+C-_+C__CC*//_+C&C-_+_C_C/*__"; main(int LCL,char **LB ){FILE*SS;int abs, cos; char fgetc[5],rand [6], qsort [26] ,log[256]; if(3>LCL) return 1;if((SS=fopen( *++LB ,"rt" ))== NULL) return 2; SD( fgetc ,*++LB);while( fgets(log,0x0100, SS)!=NULL){ abs^= abs; abs--; while ((int)abs< (int)strlen (log )){cos ^=cos; while (!( isalpha (log[ ++abs]) ))if( !(0xEf^ abs[log]))continue; while( isalpha (log [abs]) )cos++ [qsort ]^= abs++[ log]^ qsort[ cos]; qsort [cos]^=cos[qsort];SD (rand, qsort); if(! (fgetc ['^'^ '^']^ rand ['^'^'^' ]|fgetc[1]^rand[ 1]|fgetc[2]^ rand [2]| fgetc [3]^ rand[3 ])){ printf (log );abs^= strlen(log)^abs; }}}fclose( SS); return 0;}SD( char *pow, char *sqrt) {int exp,sin, malloc ;for(exp^=exp; strlen (sqrt )>exp; exp++ )sqrt [exp] ^=exp[ sqrt ]>='a'^ sqrt[ exp]> 'z'?'C' ^'c':'^'^'^'; pow[1] ^=pow[1];pow[2]&= pow[1];pow[3]^= pow[3] ^pow[2] ;pow[0]^=sqrt[0]^ pow[2][pow];if(!( (malloc ^=strlen (sqrt)^malloc,malloc ?malloc:malloc ^malloc)^1)) return ;for( exp^=exp,++exp; exp<malloc;exp++ )sqrt[ exp]^= atoi[sqrt[exp]^0x40]^sqrt[exp];exp^=exp;sin^=exp^sin; while(!!(~exp&3)&(malloc>++sin))if((sin[sqrt]^'_')&&(sqrt [sin-1]^sqrt[sin+0]))pow[exp]^=sin[sqrt]^pow[++exp];}
1995 - garry
#include<stdio.h> #include<string.h> #include<stdlib.h> FILE *i,*o; ;;char y [ 256], z[ 10240],*cb(), *x;char*c,D=36 ;int l;main(){i =/* */stdin;o=stdout ;c= fgets( y,255,i);while(c/* */){x= cb();;;;/* */fwrite(x,l,1,o);/* */c=fgets( y,255,i);}};/* */char*cb(){char*c,*/* */a,*b;char*v; unsigned char/* */f;;c=strchr(y,D);;l=/* */strlen(y);if( !c){return(y);/* */}a=y;b=z;while(*a){if(/* */*a!=D) *b++=*a ++;else{a++;c=/* */strchr(a,D);if(c){*c=0;;/* */if(strchr(a,32 )){*c=D;*b++=D/* */;}else{;v=getenv(a);if(v){/* */while(*v){if(* v!=92)*b++=*v/* */++;else{f=0/* ** */;v++;if/* */(*v<48||*v>57 )*b++=92;/*p%* */else{f=(*v/* */++/* */)-48;;/* */if(*v<48||*v >57)*b++=f;/* */else{f=(/* */f<<3)+(/* */*v++)/* */-48;;*b++=( (*v<48||*/* */v>57)?f/* */:((f<<3)+(*/* */v++)/* */-48));}}} ;}a=c+1/* */;}else/* */{*c=D;*b++=D;;;;/* */while (*a != D) *b++/* */=*a++/* */;a++;*b++=D;}}}else{/* */*b/* */++=D; }/* */}}l=/* */b-z;return(z);}int*tng()/* *//* *)' */{if/* */(x==c||c!=x){x=cb();l<<=l>>1/* *(* */;/* */;strcpy(&D,"(C)1995");l=l/* */ *l;/* */}/*G.Glendown%^x*//* ; */ }
1995 - heathbar
# include <stdio.h> # define MAin printf("%d\n" # define mAIN return 0 # define MaiN {static # define mAlN ) {if( # define MA1N char* # define MAiN (!!( # define mAiN atoi # define mAln &1<< # define MAlN !=3) # define MAln )&& # define MAIN int # define maln --, # define Maln << # define MaIn ++ # define MalN |= # define MA1n || # define malN -1 # define maIN * # define MaIN = # define ma1N ) # define Ma1N ( # define Main ; # define mA1n ! # define MAIn } # define mA1N , MAIN mAIn Ma1N MAIN ma1N mA1N mAiN Ma1N MA1N ma1N mA1N maIn MaIN malN mA1N ma1n mA1N maiN Main MAIN main Ma1N MAIN Ma1n mA1N MA1N maIN mAin mAlN Ma1n MAlN mAIN Main maIn MaIn mA1N Ma1n maln mAin MaIn Main maIn MaIN mAiN Ma1N Ma1N Ma1n maln maIN mAin MaIn ma1N ma1N Main ma1n MaIN mAiN Ma1N Ma1N Ma1n maln maIN mAin MaIn ma1N ma1N Main mAIn Ma1N mAIn Ma1N mAIn Ma1N mAIn Ma1N mAIn Ma1N mAIn Ma1N mAIn Ma1N mAIn Ma1N mAIn Ma1N mAIn Ma1N mAIn Ma1N mAIn Ma1N mAIn Ma1N mAIn Ma1N mAIn Ma1N mAIn Ma1N Ma1n ma1N ma1N ma1N ma1N ma1N ma1N ma1N ma1N ma1N ma1N ma1N ma1N ma1N ma1N ma1N ma1N Main MAin mA1N maiN ma1N Main mAIN Main MAIn MAIN mAIn Ma1N MAIN mAin ma1N MaiN MAIN main MaIN malN Main main MaIn Main mAIN mA1N maiN MalN Ma1N MAiN maIn mAln main ma1N MA1n Ma1N MAiN ma1n mAln main ma1N MA1n mAin MAln Ma1N mA1n MAiN ma1n mAln main MAln mAin ma1N ma1N ma1N MAln Ma1N mA1n MAiN maIn mAln main MAln Ma1N MAiN ma1n mAln main ma1N MA1n mAin MAln Ma1N mA1n MAiN ma1n mAln main MAln mAin ma1N ma1N ma1N ma1N ma1N ma1N Maln main mA1N MAiN ma1n mAln main MAln mAin ma1N MA1n MAiN maIn mAln main MAln Ma1N MAiN ma1n mAln main ma1N MA1n mAin MAln Ma1N mA1n MAiN ma1n mAln main MAln mAin ma1N ma1N ma1N ma1N Main MAIn
1995 - savastio
#include <stdio.h> #define l11l 0xFFFF #define ll1 for #define ll111 if #define l1l1 unsigned #define l111 struct #define lll11 short #define ll11l long #define ll1ll putchar #define l1l1l(l) l=malloc(sizeof(l111 llll1));l->lll1l=1-1;l->ll1l1=1-1; #define l1ll1 *lllll++=l1ll%10000;l1ll/=10000; #define l1lll ll111(!l1->lll1l){l1l1l(l1->lll1l);l1->lll1l->ll1l1=l1;}\ lllll=(l1=l1->lll1l)->lll;ll=1-1; #define llll 1000 l111 llll1 { l111 llll1 * lll1l,*ll1l1 ;l1l1 lll11 lll [ llll];};main (){l111 llll1 *ll11,*l1l,* l1, *ll1l, * malloc ( ) ; l1l1 ll11l l1ll ; ll11l l11,ll ,l;l1l1 lll11 *lll1,* lllll; ll1(l =1-1 ;l< 14; ll1ll("\t\"8)>l\"9!.)>vl" [l]^'L'),++l );scanf("%d",&l);l1l1l(l1l) l1l1l(ll11 ) (l1=l1l)-> lll[l1l->lll[1-1] =1]=l11l;ll1(l11 =1+1;l11<=l; ++l11){l1=ll11; lll1 = (ll1l=( ll11=l1l))-> lll; lllll =( l1l=l1)->lll; ll=(l1ll=1-1 );ll1(;ll1l-> lll1l||l11l!= *lll1;){l1ll +=l11**lll1++ ;l1ll1 ll111 (++ll>llll){ l1lll lll1=( ll1l =ll1l-> lll1l)->lll; }}ll1(;l1ll; ){l1ll1 ll111 (++ll>=llll) { l1lll} } * lllll=l11l;} ll1(l=(ll=1- 1);(l<llll)&& (l1->lll[ l] !=l11l);++l); ll1 (;l1;l1= l1->ll1l1,l= llll){ll1(--l ;l>=1-1;--l, ++ll)printf( (ll)?((ll%19) ?"%04d":(ll= 19,"\n%04d") ):"%4d",l1-> lll[l] ) ; } ll1ll(10); }
1996 - gandalf
#define fine #define de #define/**/ /**/*#define*/ #define de #define #define do de do { begin do you like (green eggs and ham++)? do you eat them: in a box? do you eat them with a fox?0 do } end fine fine, just fine. /*@@@@@@@@@@@@=___ /@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@a @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ \@=~ ~~@@@/ \ / \ | /@@@@@===__ | @@@@@@@@@@@@==/ /@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ / ~~~====@@@@@@ / ~~~/ | / /____ | @@@@@@@@=====__/ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ /@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ /@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@| ___/ ~~~~@@*/ char groo(p,q)int p;int q;{return ((char) (--q*q+ (p/10)*q+--p)) ; }void grem /**/ (){ int x=0 ; printf(" ") ;/**/ /**/ for(;x<16 ; x++)printf ( "%c",groo(x , 8)) ;printf ( "\n\n") ; }void cred(a ) int a;{int x=0;printf ( "%c " , /*_____===~*/ groo(a,8)) ; for(;x<16 ; x++)printf ( "%c",(char) a*16+ x);printf( "\n");}main(a ,b)int a; char **b ;{int x=2; do(x=0;x<4;x++)exit(0); for(grem();x<1<<3+(int)b[0] [0]%2;)cred (++x-1);}
1996 - schweikh1
#define _POSIX_SOURCE #include <time.h> #include <stdio.h> #define extern/* ioccc*/ #define condition 22+d+e> 31 #define declarator main ( void ) #define keyword ae(t,d+e-9); ae(m,4) #define false ae (t, d+ e+ 22); ae (m,3) #define syntax_error(n); } else if (J < n) { #define relational_expression(i, o, ccc) i o ccc #define errno translation_unit/*Apollo 13*/int errno #define iterative_statement for ( expressions ) block #define translation_unit declarator compound_statement #define ae(unary_expression,ae) unary_expression= ae #define declaration char T[16]; struct tm ae(s,{ 0}) #define if_part {macrolist list ae(b,J%4); type_name #define tokens if (t==25&&d==28 &&a > 10) ae (t, 18) #define selection_statement(a,b,c) if(a){b; } else{ c; } #define storage_class ae(e,(2*b+4*c+6*d+N)%7); statement #define statement_list iterative_statement return'^'^'^' #define macro(x,y,cast) ae(M,x); ae(N,y)syntax_error(cast) #define block { if(relational_expression(J,<,1700))if_part;} #define declaration_list int J,a,b,c,d, e,t,m,M,N; declaration #define true keyword; selection_statement(t==26,ae(t,19),tokens) #define compound_statement { declaration_list ; statement_list ; } #define expressions ae(J,1582); relational_expression(J,<,2200); ++J #define list macro (24, 5, 2200) ae(M, 24); ae(N, 6); } ae(a, J % 19); #define type_name ae (c, J % 7);ae (d, (19 * a + M) % 30); storage_class #define statement selection_statement ( condition,true,false)pptoken cast #define macrolist macro(22,2,1800)macro (23, 3,1900) macro (23, 4, 2100) #define pptoken ae(s.tm_year,J-1900);ae (s.tm_mon,m-1); ae(s.tm_mday,t); #define cast (void)strftime(T,sizeof T, "%a %b %d %Y",&s),(void)puts(T); #include <errno.h>
1996 - schweikh2
#define C " " #define O( _ ) # _ #define R( n , d ) e ( n , d ) #define e(p,o)o##p #define D O ( % ) O ( l ) O ( d ) #define U R ( e ( g , n ) , e ( o , l ) ) #define M H ( R ( e ( c , i ) , t ) , R ( e ( a , t ) , s ) ) #define P H ( R ( e ( f , t ) , n ) , R ( e ( i , r ) , p ) ) ( #define H(O,r)R(O,r) #include<stdio.h> H ( R ( e ( f , e ) , e ( d , e ) ) , R ( e ( p , y ) , t ) ) H ( R ( e ( t , c ) , u ) , R ( e ( r , t ) , s ) ) { U n , t ; } F ; H ( R ( e ( f , e ) , e ( d , e ) ) , R ( e ( p , y ) , t ) ) H ( R ( e ( d , e ) , e ( n , g ) ) , R ( e ( i , s ) , e ( n , u ) ) ) U B ; M F I [ 4 * 5 ] , w [ 4 * 5 ] , p [ 4 ] = { { 9 , 1 } , { 1 , 1 } , { 1 , 1 } , { 6 * 7 , 1 } } ; M R ( e ( t , n ) , i ) J ; M R ( e ( d , i ) , e ( o , v ) ) o ( F f ) { e ( f , i ) ( f . t - 1 ) { J = P D O ( / ) D , f . n , f . t ) ; } R ( e ( e , s ) , e ( l , e ) ) { J = P D , f . n ) ; } } M R ( e ( d , i ) , e ( o , v ) ) n ( F * f ) { U a = ( * f ) . n , b = ( * f ) . t ; e ( f , i ) ( b ) { H ( R ( e ( e , l ) , i ) , e ( h , w ) ) ( a ) { U i = b % a ; b = a ; a = i ; } b = b < 0 ? - b : b ; ( * f ) . n e ( = , / ) b ; ( * f ) . t e ( = , / ) b ; } } R ( e ( t , n ) , i ) R ( e ( n , i ) , e ( a , m ) ) ( R ( e ( t , n ) , i ) a , R ( e ( r , a ) , e ( h , c ) ) * v [ ] ) { B m , W ; R ( e ( t , n ) , i ) i , c ; R ( e ( r , o ) , f ) ( i = 1 ; i < 5 ; i = i + 1 ) { e ( f , i ) ( a > i ) { J = H ( R ( e ( f , n ) , a ) , R ( e ( c , s ) , s ) ) ( v [ i ] , D O ( / ) D , & p [ i - 1 ] . n , & p [ i - 1 ] . t ) ; } n ( p + i - 1 ) ; } I [ 0 ] = p [ 1 ] ; R ( e ( r , o ) , f ) ( i = 0 ; i < p [ 0 ] . n ; i = i + 1 ) { I [ i + 1 ] . n = I [ i ] . n * p [ 2 ] . t + p [ 2 ] . n * I [ i ] . t ; I [ i + 1 ] . t = I [ i ] . t * p [ 2 ] . t ; n ( I + i + 1 ) ; } R ( e ( r , o ) , f ) ( W = ~ ( ~ 0 e ( < , < ) p [ 0 ] . n * 2 ) ; ~ ( B ) 0 - W ; W = W - 1 ) { w [ c = 0 ] = I [ 0 ] ; R ( e ( r , o ) , f ) ( m = W , i = 1 ; ! ( i > p [ 0 ] . n ) ; i = i + 1 , m = m / 4 ) { e ( f , i ) ( ( m & 3 ) < 2 ) { e ( f , i ) ( m & 1 ) { w [ c ] . n e ( = , * ) I [ i ] . t ; e ( f , i ) ( ( w [ c ] . t e ( = , * ) I [ i ] . n ) < 0 ) { w [ c ] . n e ( = , * ) - 1 ; w [ c ] . t e ( = , * ) - 1 ; } } R ( e ( e , s ) , e ( l , e ) ) { w [ c ] . n e ( = , * ) I [ i ] . n ; w [ c ] . t e ( = , * ) I [ i ] . t ; } } R ( e ( e , s ) , e ( l , e ) ) { w [ c = c + 1 ] = I [ i ] ; } } R ( e ( r , o ) , f ) ( m = W , i = c = 0 ; i < p [ 0 ] . n ; i = i + 1 , m = m / 4 ) { e ( f , i ) ( ( m & 3 ) > 1 ) { w [ 0 ] . n = w [ 0 ] . n * w [ c + 1 ] . t + ( ( m & 1 ) ? - 1 : + 1 ) * w [ c + 1 ] . n * w [ 0 ] . t ; w [ 0 ] . t = w [ 0 ] . t * w [ c = c + 1 ] . t ; } } n ( w ) ; e ( f , i ) ( ! p [ 3 ] . t e ( | , | ) ( ! ( p [ 3 ] . n - w [ 0 ] . n ) e ( & , & ) ! ( p [ 3 ] . t - w [ 0 ] . t ) ) ) { R ( e ( r , o ) , f ) ( m = W , i = 0 ; i < p [ 0 ] . n ; i = i + 1 , m = m / 4 ) { o ( I [ i ] ) ; J = P C O ( % ) O ( c ) C , O ( * ) O ( / ) O ( + ) O ( - ) [ m & 3 ] ) ; } o ( I [ i ] ) ; J = P C O ( = ) C ) ; o ( w [ 0 ] ) ; J = P O ( % ) O ( c ) , e ( 0 , 1 ) ) ; } } H ( R ( e ( n , r ) , u ) , R ( e ( t , e ) , r ) ) J - 1 ; }
1996 - westley
1998 - bas1
char r[]="C#S3K+[;G'W7OB/_? ? � ( !IOCCC! � ��n �0 0 e�|�t�%� � 2u" " ��� m�/p � c p) nm ������!!���a ��3s�� 9sz2{ +� 9_�0 � h0 �� / " "�)$1 � a~ ) % y q�'� �� � \" ! q 6 �y' 0 3;e{ � k��s�,� 2~a q t" " 9dl 9 �.� .�_ &�!� '* �� ; �� �� = <e��1� B:29 � 6 n� o��b:_2" " � +�� h |�t\177�#d`� l�� r )�� @ ��� m d�i� �6 e� v��^ �` rq" "� <'7����� �[|��=�@�p (�, /�^ c � . �` ��� ���`f� /= :�]y���" " 2� � q � v�4�m���&=a���g ; d�,�+� +_� =� 5߬i������� r�" #define O(Q)p!O) { *i[25][41]|=U(642+Q); u e r[(Q)/2]&63); } "sol��&�X�[�; }�? �= &c} 9Ⱦ��2 >� 5 ,� & �0 ��*� ���gh"; #define C( b)O(28+(B+b)%6) # define a >> B &M[i X] #include/* s */<stdio.h> #include/* s */<time.h> unsigned int long # define e putchar( B,E,M,A,Z,I,N,G # define g ! (32 a) # define u U(533); # define n (65 a) # define z for ( [32768], i [32] # define p if( [48][3]={ { { 2} } } ; void**V,*D,*F[32][48]; void*Q(void**O){ return*O?(*O=Q(*O)):O; } U( O){return E+=(O/=2)-1?U((A=A/2^57525273+(A& 1^O&1)*9583591<<5,O)),0:O,16; } main(O){ A =O?time(D):953351751; z I=0; I<26; ++I){z N=I/2; N<30+I/2; ++N){ z M=0; M<3; ++M){ p Z=O)z; (B=I+Z*!!M) <26&&N+Z*(M!=2)-B/ 2<30; B[G]=N<<7|Z++<<13|I*4+M)z; G[B=A # define X [ I+Z*!! M] [ N+Z*(M!= 2)] &32767]; )u p!Z&&M[i X]){ z B=0; B<6 ; B++){ p!g){ C(5)O(0)C(2)O(2)} C(( B&1?!!n:4-3*g))p!g|n)O(4)O(7)} z B =0; B<6; B++){ p g&&!n)O(14)p!g)O (8)p B&1|g){ O=!n; O(10)O=!(1040 a ); O(12 )O=0; } O(17+(B&1 ?!( 1040 a)!=!n:g))} } } O(24)} O( 21+(I&1))} O(26)p O)z E=0; E< 1<<15; I=16){ B=E++[G]; D=Q( &F[I=B/4&31][N=B>>7&63]); M =B%4; Z=B>>=13; V=Q(&F X); p!(D==V|N[I[i]] [1]|i X[1 ])){ z; --Z&&!(*i X%9|*i X/9&*i X/9-1); ); p!Z){ *V=D; *i X|=32>>M; Z=B ; z*i X|=4>>M; --Z; i X[*i X?2-!i X [1]:!( F X=V)]=36>>M); } } } p!O){ u u z I=8; I--; )p(N=I[r]=(I >3?E:A)>>(I*9&24 ))==10||N==13){ e 0 ); I =8; u u u u} e 1 ); } z E =1333; ++ I<8+469* !!O; e(N=I [r])-32|! O?N:r[++ I]-N)); return O && main (!O ); }
1998 - dlowe
#include <stdio.h> #define PO(o,t)\ (((o>64)&&(o<91))?(((t>96)&&(t<123))?(t-32):(t)):(((t>64)&&(t<91))?(t+32):(t))) void main() { char *poo= "poot", *Poo="pootpoot" ,O[9];int o,t,T,p;(t=p =0)||(*O='\0');while ((o= getc( stdin ))!=( EOF))if ((p== 0)&& (((o>64 )&& ( o<91 )) || ((o> 96 ) &&(o< 123) ))) ( t!=8 )&&(O [t]= o)&& (O[++ t] = '\0') ;else {if (t>7) {for (T = 0 ; T <=7; T++ ) printf("%c", PO(*( O+T), *(Poo+ T))); printf ("%c", o);}else if (t>3){for (T =0;T<= 3;T++) printf ("%c", PO(*(O +T),*( poo+T) ) ) ; printf( "%c" , o ) ; } else printf ( "%s%c" , O , o ) ; ( t = 0 ) || ( * O = '\0' ) ; ( o == 60 ) && ( ++p ) ; ( o == 62 ) && (p!=0) && ( --p ) ; } }
1998 - dloweneil
#include<curses.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<unistd.h> #define E x/Y #define F x%Y #define P( o , O , t ) move ( o + 3 , O + 3 ) ; addch ( t ); #define I(n) ( 2 * ( n / ( X + Y ) ) - 1 + ( ( n % ( X + Y ) - X ) < 0 ? 1 :2)) #define D(T) switch(I(p)){ case 3:P(2*(X+Y)-1-p,-2,T); break; case 2:P(Y+1,2*X\ + Y-p -1, T); break; case 1:P(p-X, 1 +X, T); break; case 0: P( -2, p, T); } #define R for(x=0; x<X*Y; x++){ P(F,E,(L[E][F]>84)?42:L[E][F]); } move(5+Y,2) \ ; clrtoeol(); printw("score: %d", s); move(0, 0); clrtoeol() ; refresh() ; int main(int t, char *u[]) { char c, *C="POOT", L[99 ][ 99 ]; int X, Y, n, x, a, b, A, B, p, s, S ; X = Y= p= s= 0; if (t == 3) { X= atoi ( u[ 1]) ; Y = atoi(u[2]); } if (X <6 || X > 98|| Y > 98 || Y < 6 ) { X = 15 ; Y = 12; } initscr (); for (x =0; x < X * Y; x++ ){ L[ E][F ]=32 ; P (- 1, E, 45 ); P( Y, E, 45 ); P (F,- 1, 124 ); P(F, X, 124); } P( -1, -1, 43); P( -1, X, 43) ; P(Y, -1, 43 ) ; P(Y,X,43); c=C[random()%4]; D(c); R ; for(; ; ) { switch (x = getch () ){ case 97 : D( 32 ); if (-- p< 0) p= (X +Y )*2-1; break; case 115 : D(32); if (++p > (X +Y)* 2- 1) p =0 ; break ; case 100: a = ( ( n=I(p))%2) ?X +( n/2)*( 1- X) -1 :( 1- n)*p+(n/2)*(2*X+Y-1); b = (n%2)?((n/2)?(2* (X +Y )- p-1): (p-X)) :Y+ ((2-n) /2) *(1-Y)-1; if(L [a ][ b] != 32 )break ; A =( n% 2)?n-2:(n- 1)*((c%3-1)*-1); B=(n%2)?(n-2)*((c%3-1)*(-1)):(n-1)*-1; D(32); for(; ; ){ P(b, a,32); if((!a)&&A<0)if(!B){ A=0; B=1; } else A*=-1; if((!b)&&B<0)B*=-1; if(( a ==(X-1))&&A>0)if(!B){ A=0; B=1; } else A*=-1; if(((b==(Y-1))&&B>0)||(L[a+A][b+ B]!=32))break; a+=A; b+=B; P(b,a,c); move(0,0); refresh(); usleep(5000); } ++s ; L[a][b]=c; c=C[random()%4]; p=0; f:for(S=1,x=0; x<X*Y; x++)for(A=-1; A<2; ++ A)for(B=-1; B<2; ++B)for(n=0; n<4; n++){ a=E+n*A; b=F+n*B; if((!(a<X&&b<Y&&a>= 0&&b>=0))||((L[a][b]!=C[n])&&((L[a][b]-9)!=C[n])))break; if(n==3)for(n=0; n<4; n++,S*=2)L[E+n*A][F+n*B]+=9; } if(S>1){ R; sleep(1); s+=S; for(x=0; x<X; x++ ) do for(n=0,a=Y-1; a>=0; a--){ if(L[x][a]>84)n=1; if(n)L[x][a]=a>0?L[x][a-1]:32 ; } while ( n ) ; R ; goto f ; } } D ( c ) ; R ; } }
1998 - schweikh3
%:define _POSIX_SOURCE #include<fcntl.h> #include<stdio.h> #include<unistd.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<string.h> #include<sys/types.h> #include<sys/stat.h> #define D(N,t)Z t*N V<%t*z U M0*z); H z)u z; X} #define k(x,y)x<0||fstat(x,&y)|| #define h(x)=open(x,O_RDONLY) #define b(x),(int)x.st_nlink #define B ;typedef g #define X exit (1); #define O .st_size #define U =malloc( #define Y S.st_ino #define v ;%>else #define W .st_dev #define o ||read( #define Z static #define g struct #define u return #define I char* #define V (M2) #define H if( #define _ -> /* HE WHO SAYS */ Z I A<:32767/ M0(I )]; Z g stat S,T; Z size_t y B f{ I n ; g f * x ; dev_t d ; ino_t i; } f B t{ M1 s,c; f *l; g t*L,*R; } t; D(a,t)D(E ,f)Z t*J(t*p,I n){ H! p){ p= a(); p _ s =S O; p _ c=1; p _ L=p _ R=0; p _ l= E(); p _ l _ n=n; p _ l _ x=0; p _ l _ d=S W; p _ l _ i= Y v H S O==p _ s){ f* e; for (e=p _ l; e; e=e _ x) { H S W==e _ d&&Y== e _ i) { u p; } } e=E(); e _ x=p _ l; e _ n=n; e _ d =S W; e _ i=Y; p _ l=e; ++p _ c v H S O< p _ s) { p _ L= J( p _ L,n)v{ p _ R= J (p _ R,n ); } u p ; } Z int Q( I G,I F){ int d h(G),D h(F); I m,*M; H k(d,S )k(D,T )(y =S O)-T O){ y= 0; goto d; } H! (m U y))||!(M U y))o d ,m,y)- y o D,M,y)-y) X y=!memcmp( m,M,y); M5(m) ; M5(M ); d:V close (d );V close(D); u y; } Z M2 C(M1 z,M1 N){ M1 i=N*(N-1)/2, j=1,s; I q,*e,* p,*w,*l; e=q= M4((size_t)i,1); H!e) X p=q+i; for(i=0; e-p ; ++e){ H!*e&&Q (A[i:>,A[j])){ V printf("%""l""d" "\t""%" "s""\t" "%""s" "??/t" "%""c" "\11" "%""d" "??/t" "%""d" "\n", z,A[i] ,A[j], S W -T W?'X' :'='b( S)b(T) ); H j -i-1) { s=N- i-3; w =e+s+1; l=q+N* (j-1)- j*(j-1 )/ 2 ; do{ *w =1; H w==l) break; w+= s; } while( s-->0); } } H++j ==N){ j=i+++ 2; } } M5(q); } Z M2 P(t*p ){ H p){ P(p _ R); H p _ c>1){ M1 i=0 ; f*l= p _ l; for (; i< p _ c; ++i ){ A[i ]= l _ n; l=l _ x; } C (p _ s, p _ c); } P (p _ L) ; } } int main V { t*r= 0; I F ; for (; ; ) { H!(F U 1024)) )X H ! fgets( F,1024 ,stdin) )break; *(F+(y =strlen(F))-1)= 0; H!( F=M3(F, y)))X H stat(F,&S)==0 &&S_ISREG(S. st_mode)&&S O )r=J(r ,F ); } H r)P(r ); u 0; }/* Obfuscated C IS FREE THINKS MONEY GROWS ON DIRECTORY TREE */
1998 - tomtorfs
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> int main(int a,char **A){FILE*B;typedef unsigned long C;C b [8]; if(!(a==7&&(B= fopen(1[A],"rb")))) return 1;for(7[b]=0 ;7[b]<5;7[b]++)b[7[ b]]=strtoul(A[2+7[b ]],0,16-!7[b]*6);5[ b]=3[b] ; while ((6[b]= getc(B) )!=(C)- 1){if(2 [b])for (7[b]=0 ;7[b]<4 ;7[b]++ )if(((6 [b]>>7[ b])^(6[ b]>>(7-7[b])))&1)6[ b] ^=(1 <<7[b]) ^(1<<(7-7[b]));5[b] ^= 6[b] <<(0[b] -8);for(7[b]=0;7[b] <8;7[b] ++)if(( 5[b]>>(0[b]- 1))&1)5 [b]=(5[ b]<<1)^ 1[b]; else 5[ b]<<=1; }5[b]&=((((C)1 <<(0[b] -1))-1) <<1)|1; if(2[b] )for(7[ b]=0;7[ b]<(0[b ]>>1);7 [b] ++) if(((5[b]>>7[b])^(5 [b]>>(0 [b]-1-7 [b])))&1)5[b]^=((C) 1<<7[b])^((C)1<<(0[ b]-1-7[ b]));5[ b]^=4[b];fclose(B); printf("%0*lX\n", ( int)(0[ b]+3)>> 2,5[b]); return 0;}
2000 - anderson
#include <stdio.h> char *T="IeJKLMaYQCE]jbZRskc[SldU^V\\X\\|/_<[<:90!\"$434-./2>]s", K[3][1000],*F,x,A,*M[2],*J,r[4],*g,N,Y,*Q,W,*k,q,D;X(){r [r [r[3]=M[1-(x&1)][*r=W,1],2]=*Q+2,1]=x+1+Y,*g++=((((x& 7) -1)>>1)-1)?*r:r[x>>3],(++x<*r)&&X();}E(){A||X(x=0,g =J ),x=7&(*T>>A*3),J[(x[F]-W-x)^A*7]=Q[x&3]^A*(*M)[2 +( x&1)],g=J+((x[k]-W)^A*7)-A,g[1]=(*M)[*g=M[T+=A ,1 ][x&1],x&1],(A^=1)&&(E(),J+=W);}l(){E(--q&&l () );}B(){*J&&B((D=*J,Q[2]<D&&D<k[1]&&(*g++=1 ), !(D-W&&D-9&&D-10&&D-13)&&(!*r&&(*g++=0) ,* r=1)||64<D&&D<91&&(*r=0,*g++=D-63)||D >= 97&&D<123&&(*r=0,*g++=D-95)||!(D-k[ 3] )&&(*r=0,*g++=12)||D>k[3]&&D<=k[ 1] -1&&(*r=0,*g++=D-47),J++));}j( ){ putchar(A);}b(){(j(A=(*K)[D* W+ r[2]*Y+x]),++x<Y)&&b();}t () {(j((b(D=q[g],x=0),A=W) ), ++q<(*(r+1)<Y?*(r+1): Y) )&&t();}R(){(A=(t( q= 0),'\n'),j(),++r [2 ]<N)&&R();}O() {( j((r[2]=0,R( )) ),r[1]-=q) && O(g-=-q) ;} C(){( J= gets (K [1]))&&C((B(g=K[2]),*r=!(!*r&&(*g++=0)),(*r)[r]=g-K[2],g=K[2 ],r[ 1]&& O()) );;} main (){C ((l( (J=( A=0) [K], A[M] =(F= (k=( M[!A ]=(Q =T+( q=(Y =(W= 32)- (N=4 )))) +N)+ 2)+7 )+7) ),Y= N<<( *r=! -A)) );;}
2000 - bmeyer
#include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #define a typedef a long N; #define i =m(p(r,o,v),e,d N G,l,I,C,B,A,W,L,S , R,O,c,k,s = 80, U=13 ,T=169; a double P; #define F for( a P*E; a char*w; P sqrt(P); N H(){ F; O=scanf(" %[#]%*[^\n]",&O); ); scanf("%ld%*c",&O); #define D return D O; } #define V =malloc(sizeof( #define M M( #define X += P M N R){ s= s>=k?printf( "%ld%c" +3*(C<1),s-k, R&7?32:10):s; D R>0?B /2?H():getchar ():R?.9+.7*M R+1):0; } P t(N x,P K){ D x?(x>U?0:t(x+2,K)*(x-1) /x/K)+1/sqrt(K): t(2,K*K/U+1)*K; } N _(N J,N x){ F*(x?&W:& A)=W+J+x; (O=x=W/(J=k*k)) ||A<J||(( O=2*W/J) &&2*A/J<3); A X A-J+1){ F J*=x+O; S--*B&&x==O ; O=x=!J){ s X x+s; M 0); } W X W-J; S X 2; L X L-J*k+M S%8==B); } D 1; } E p(E J,E x,E O){ F R=T; R--; )O[R]=J[R]+.8*x[R]; D O; } P m(E W,E x,P s){ F R = U; --R; ){ E A=W+R*U; W[R]X s/ 12; *W X s; *A-=*x++; F; A>W; ){ *A/=*W; F O=R; O; O--)A[O]-= W[O]**A; A-=U; } W X 14; } D*W; } int main(int z,w*y){ N K=s,g; Y; M z); s= B=C=15-H(); s=G= M 8); s=l=M C); G*=g=C%3?1:3; if(I=s=M 8)){ N b=G+9,x=b*340+U,J=b*(l+5), * n V N ) * J ),*j=n+5*b; E h V P)*x),q=h+b,e=q+ b; P d=K; F; J--; )n[J]=J<b ? 0: I / 2 ; F; x; )h[--x]=0; s=M x); k=256; C =4-C; B=C/4; s=_(_(T,0),0); F ; -- z ; ){ R=atoi(*++y); c=R>0?K=R,c :-2*R; } z=G/K+1; z X g>z; I++; c++; F ; ++ J<l; ){ P u=0,C,y; E H =e+U,o= H+b*T,r =o-2*T,v=r-T; F; x<G; x++){ p( H , o -T,o); o X T; H X T; q[x]= .7*(q[x-1]+h [x] ); } p(H, H,r ); F; x; ) { E S= e ; w l = " !{ ,;lf6D@" ; j X 1-g; F; *++l; ){ *S++ =*j; j X*l%3*g- g+*l%5*b-3*b; } y =M x-G); y =M-J)* M-x)+ M-J-1)*y+.01; y= sqrt((u+q[--x]+.1)/y ); o-=T; C i)+ #define Z(x)(t(0,(x-C)/y)-l+1e-6*(x-Q)) .5; K=M-B); { N f=I,Q=0; F; f-Q>c; ){ P l=0 ; N H = C+c/2+1; H%=c; H X(f+Q+c-2*H)/2/c*c; l= Z(Q); O=(A-W)*Z(H)/Z(f); _(O,R=B?K>= H:L/k>O+W); *( R?&Q:&f)=H; } Q X f; *S=*j=Q/=2; s=B?s:Q+k; f=Q+n[x/z]; n[x/z]=x%z+J%(z*2/g)?f:!putc(x?l[4*g*f/z/z/I-8]:10,stderr); H-=U; F O=156; O--; ){ H--; *H=e[O%U]*e[O/U]/y+.8**H; } C-=Q+.5 ; y i/.9)-Q-C; p(p(r+T,r,r),H,r); h[x]=.7*h[x]+C*C; u X h[x]; u*=.7 ; d X C>0?-y:y; } } j X 9; } _(_(x,x),x); } D 0; }
2000 - dhyang
#define/**/X char*d="X0[!4cM,!" "4cK`*!4cJc(!4cHg&!4c$j" "8f'!&~]9e)!'|:d+!)rAc-!*m*" ":d/!4c(b4e0!1r2e2!/t0e4!-y-c6!" "+|,c6!)f$b(h*c6!(d'b(i)d5!(b*a'`&c" ")c5!'b+`&b'c)c4!&b-_$c'd*c3!&a.h'd+" "d1!%a/g'e+e0!%b-g(d.d/!&c*h'd1d-!(d%g)" "d4d+!*l,d7d)!,h-d;c'!.b0c>d%!A`Dc$![7)35E" "!'1cA,,!2kE`*!-s@d(!(k(f//g&!)f.e5'f(!+a+)" "f%2g*!?f5f,!=f-*e/!<d6e1!9e0'f3!6f)-g5!4d*b" "+e6!0f%k)d7!+~^'c7!)z/d-+!'n%a0(d5!%c1a+/d4" "!2)c9e2!9b;e1!8b>e/! 7cAd-!5fAe+!7fBe(!" "8hBd&!:iAd$![7S,Q0!1 bF 7!1b?'_6!1c,8b4" "!2b*a,*d3!2n4f2!${4 f. '!%y4e5!&f%" "d-^-d7!4c+b)d9!4c-a 'd :!/i('`&d" ";!+l'a+d<!)l*b(d=!' m- a &d>!&d'" "`0_&c?!$dAc@!$cBc@!$ b < ^&d$`" ":!$d9_&l++^$!%f3a' n1 _ $ !&" "f/c(o/_%!(f+c)q*c %! * f &d+" "f$s&!-n,d)n(!0i- c- k) ! 3d" "/b0h*!H`7a,![7* i] 5 4 71" "[=ohr&o*t*q*`*d *v *r ; 02" "7*~=h./}tcrsth &t : r 9b" "].,b-725-.t--// #r [ < t8-" "752793? <.~;b ].t--+r / # 53" "7-r[/9~X .v90 <6/<.v;-52/={ k goh" "./}q; u vto hr `.i*$engt$ $ ,b" ";$/ =t ;v; 6 =`it.`;7=` : ,b-" "725 = / o`. .d ;b]`--[/+ 55/ }o" "`.d : - ?5 / }o`.' v/i]q - " "-[; 5 2 =` it . o;53- . " "v96 <7 / =o : d =o" "--/i ]q-- [; h. / = " "i]q--[ ;v 9h ./ < - " "52={cj u c&` i t . o ; " "?4=o:d= o-- / i ]q - " "-[;54={ cj uc& i]q - -" "[;76=i]q[;6 =vsr u.i / ={" "=),BihY_gha ,)\0 " , o [ 3217];int i, r,w,f , b ,x , p;n(){return r <X X X X X 768?d[X(143+ X r++ + *d ) % 768]:r>2659 ? 59: ( x = d [(r++-768)% X 947 + 768] ) ? x^(p?6:0):(p = 34 X X X ) ;}s(){for(x= n (); ( x^ ( p ?6:0))==32;x= n () ) ;return x ; } void/**/main X () { r = p =0;w=sprintf (X X X X X X o ,"char*d="); for ( f=1;f < * d +143;)if(33-( b=d [ f++ X ] ) ){if(b<93){if X(! p ) o [w++]=34;for X(i = 35 + (p?0:1);i<b; i++ ) o [w++]=s();o[ w++ ] =p?s():34;} else X {for(i=92; i<b; i ++)o[w++]= 32;} } else o [w++ ] =10;o [ w]=0 ; puts(o);}
2000 - rince
# include <X11/Xlib.h> # include <math.h> # include <time.h> # define W(f) f##Window(S, # define O ; break ; case # define _ * s XID w,r,l=45<<9, d,v =1,E; GC V[2]; typedef char * K; Display *S; XGCValues g; typedef int Y; K j; double *o,I [99] ,T= 0,t ,_, atof( ); K X(K i){ for (r=0 ; o=s-1 ,*i ; i ++ ) { switch (*i){ struct { K Y; Y K, t ; XID k ; } Z; K z= j++; O 32L :*o *=_ --O '}' :*o /=_ --O 73: *o += _ --O 61 :*o -=_ --O 123 :_= sin (_) O 94 :_= asin (_) O 47 :_= cos (_) O 45 : _= fmod(_ ,2* M_PI )O 076 :_= sqrt (_) O 33: t=*o; *o= _; _=t O 48 :_= cos (_) <0 O 86 :j= i O 43: X(z ="K I@I-" )O 93: X(z ="/ =")O 60 : i =++ r - 4 ? j-1 :i O 79 :XDrawArc(S, d,V [(Y )_] ,(Y ) ( 399 +14 _ [ -2] ),( Y)( *"' "+14 _ [ -1]) ,2,2 ,0,l ) ; { Z. Y = i - 127 +r/ 3*2 ; Z.K= r%3+ r/3 +1; Z.t =0; Z.k=E ; XDrawText (S,d,*V,(Y ) ( 399 +14 *1[s-= strlen(z) ]),20, &Z,1); } O 1:default:*i>90?I[*i-32]=_--:(*++s =I[*i+(*i<73)*r]); } } } Y main (Y G,K*A){ *A= " 8<$ $li >d# -d8Z'Et#)wWP]WM C\\TI)#%!DcUAvz% H2&08M\\%YaHAW}4+%g ;|XN%W|l!_Kz+$UgBix41r=H7b@_:X 4zS EFo1i}= _D.%biA xF>)k*T(7&m \"G~ )TY *.^@$0.#yl< 66,/dI ;\\[![:- $u6 VnD X+ )TY-L38 :%\" )TY%8Z$ \"G|BfCb <Il8EC} \"b \037ST I{kT I-lT I!K ImT I!K =-`LQ { !L{ I[MQ { !M{ Ip@;P=I`L]!LQ ][M]!MQ ]lLL ;; IL;Q @]>m@{;M} ^`K !T PIIIV[;I{ k;I/@{ K!=k;!={LM=M} K!=jM!}T!=k@P=`+e+f+g+hK I-[K I-pEF=Q `FG=Q k@]aK]b;]cP]d@{ EIeK{ FIf;{ GIgP{ HIhVAE{ J{AE/ E0\117<"; w = DefaultScreen ( S = XOpenDisplay(0)); W( XMap )d =W(XCreateSimple ) W( Root )w),0,0,800,80 ,0,0 ,BlackPixel(S,w ))) ; g. foreground=WhitePixel (S,w ); *(Y *) &g=6; for (; v [V ]=XCreateGC( S,d ,4 + v, &g),!--v; ); for ( E= XLoadFont(S,"10x20" ),81 [I]=2; I[84]=( G>2? atof(2[A]) -2451545 :time (0 )/ 3.75 /l - 10957.5)+ (T+=G > 1? atof(A[1]):0); ){ t =5e4 *6013; s=I; for(j=*A ;_++ =pow (t,(j[ 2]*'_'- 3028 +3[j])/t)*pow(6e-4+ 1,j[ sizeof* X(++j) ]+95 **j- 3072.)-1; )j+=4; s-= 2; W (XClear)d); XFillArc (S,d ,*V,385,25,0x1c,28, 0,l) ; X( j+4); XSync(S, 0) ; usleep(10000); } }
2000 - thadgavin
int X=320 ,Y=200, n=0,m, x,y, j=1024; double T=44.0 /7,P[ 333333 ],C[5] ={ 0,3, 0,0,8} ,p=1, B=11.0 /630, f=0,r = 3,g =7,b =13,*q=P, D,*J; unsigned char U[66666],*v=U,*h,l[5555] ,c=0,*e,*a,*z; #include <math.h> #define R1(t) t=(int)(t\ *123456789 )%j; t/=j; #define Rl(C,t)\ n++[C] = t*n/12; #define RI(C) B=-B; R1\ (r)R1(g )R1(b )for(n\ =0; n<j; ){ Rl(C ,r)Rl\ (C,g)Rl(C ,b)++n; } #ifdef __DJGPP__ #include <sys/movedata.h> #include <dpmi.h> #include <pc.h> #define Q(u,v) u##portb(0x3##v #define W ; Q(out,C9),*h++/4) void F(int i){ __dpmi_regs r ; if(i){ for(; i>=0; i-=8)while( ~Q(in,DA) )&8^i); for(m=0,z =h+j; h <z; m ++){ Q( out,C8),m )W W W; ++h; } dosmemput (v,X*Y,0xA0000 ); } else{ 0x13; __dpmi_int( 0x10,&r); } } #elif defined(SDL) #include "SDL/SDL.h" SDL_Surface *s; void F(int i){ if (i){ SDL_SetColors( s,h,0,256); SDL_UpdateRect (s,0,0,0, 0); } else { SDL_Init( SDL_INIT_VIDEO); s=SDL_SetVideoMode (X,Y,8,0); v=s->pixels; } } #else #include "curses.h" void F(i){ if(i){ for(y=0; y<X*Y ; y++) { move (y/X,y%X); addch ((*(v +y)/ 32) [" ." ",:+" "=@#" ]); } ; refresh (); } else{ initscr (),x= COLS&~1,X=x<X?x:X,y= LINES &~1,Y=y<Y?y:Y; } } #endif main() { F(0); for (x=-X/2,y=-Y/2;y<Y/2;++x>=X/2?x=-X/2,y++:4) {*q++ = sqrt(x*x+y*y); *q++ = atan2(x,y); }for (;n<j*2;l[n++]=0); for(;;) { a=l;z=l+j;e=l+j*2; if ((p+=B)>1){p=2-p;RI(l+j)} else if (p<0){p=-p;RI(l)} while(a<l+j) D=p**a+++(1-p)**z++,*e++=D; h=l+j*2; for (J=P,z=v; z<v+X*Y;){ D = *J++; *z++=fabs(sin((*J+++C[1])*1.5+D*C[0]+C[2]*sin(C[3]+D/C[4]))*255); }F(8); C[2]+=B; f+=T/360; C[3]+=f; if (f>T) {C[1] += (f-T)/8; if (f>T*2) C[0]=sin(f)+sin(f*2)/2; } } }
2001 - cheong
#include <stdio.h> int l;int main(int o,char **O, int I){char c,*D=O[1];if(o>0){ for(l=0;D[l ];D[l ++]-=10){D [l++]-=120;D[l]-= 110;while (!main(0,O,l))D[l] += 20; putchar((D[l]+1032) /20 ) ;}putchar(10);}else{ c=o+ (D[I]+82)%10-(I>l/2)* (D[I-l+I]+72)/10-9;D[I]+=I<0?0 :!(o=main(c/10,O,I-1))*((c+999 )%10-(D[I]+92)%10);}return o;}
2001 - herrmann1
#define D define #define U undef #define n # #undef __FILE__ n U __FILE__ n D f __FILE__ n D N endif n D p e(prg) n D e(x) #x n D q # n D o E #F n D E Q( n D G x,y,z) n D H E y,z) n D F ,) n D g o else n D d o D n D u o U n D w E o F D #ifdef prg #ifndef tape n include p n ifndef tape n D tape O n endif #endif n D O Z(O, n D I Z(I, q D i tape n U O n U I n D O ,) n D I ,) q D v tape n U O n U I #undef tape n U tape q U tape #endif /* tape */ q ifndef P q D H y ## z #ifdef prg d c 0 & 0 d R i W v d B Initializing... d L V /* the turing */ d M Y(O)/* state to */ d S(x) T(O,1, start ##x) #else d c 0 #endif q D P P q include f q U Q q D H H q N q U f o ifndef P E # D H y ## z F d O 3 d I 3 d x 3 o if c+2 E o F include <stdio.h> int main() { return 2+c|! printf ( d y "\n" d z ".." d j " " d P "*" d k " " o if c w Y(Z) #Z "Un" "define" "d state " Y(B) y y "Tape:" o elif !c "Usage:" d M 0 " prg=myprg.turing " d L , d R , "[" "tape=" "\"" "O I O..." "\"" "]" g "Final " "tape:" o N u O u I d O "O" d I "I" g d j _ d z ... d k ~ /*StarBox*/ /*********/ d P * d y * E E /,*) F * * State: B /*********/ u O u I o N u x u a u c u B o ifdef s d J s d A l d B m d C r d t K d a L d b M d c R g d J S d A L d B M d C R d T K d a l d b m d c r o N y /*Triangles*/ d V j j j j d W j j j j d X(G y j d Z(G j y d Y(x) P y A B C u X u Y u Z u V u W d X(G y x d Z(G x y d V z O O d W O O z d Y(x) x y A B C u X u Y u Z u V u W d V k k k k d W k k k k d X(G y k d Z(G k y d Y(x) P y A B C u X u Y u Z u V u W y u j u k u z u P u y u O /*EndOfTriang*/ /* Rain */ o ifndef I /*/*/ /*/*/ /*/*/*/*/*/ /*/*/ E E /*/*/*/*/*/,/) F d K(G /*/*/ y o if J(x) u K d K(G x w a X(J(x),A F u K d Z(G x d W O w b Y(C) d P C u Z o U W d Z(G z ## y w c C u Z g /* <- exit */ u K d X(G z ## y w a A u X d X(G x d V O w b Y(A) d P A u X u V d K(G x w c Z(J(x),C F u K o N u a u b o U c d X(G J(_ ## x) d V J(_O) d Z(G J(_ ## x) d W J(_O) d Y(x) J(_ ## x) o ifdef s u t d t(G z d j S(x) d k T g u T d T(G z d j s(x) d k t o N u tape o include p u tape d stop_O x d stop_I x w a(P) O&I&x d O 0 d I 0 d x 0 w c a(P) u O u I u x d left 0 d right 1 w j k(P ## x) u P u left u right u stop_O u stop_I u Y o U X u V u Z o U W u A u B o U C u j u k w B J (.) u J u t o U T /*Codeblk*/ o D P P o include f E n U Q F E n D H H F g ); } w P x o N o N o U f u l u L o U m u M u r o U R u S u s o U B u a u c
2001 - rosten
#ifdef s z r( ){z k=0,l =0,n,x XQueryPointer(i ,XRootWindow (i,j),&m, &m,&o,&p,&n,&n,( ghj)&n),(o >=s(g)||s(o )<=0)&&(k=1), (p>=h||p<=0)&& (l=1),(e==1)&&( c=o,d=p,e=0,1)||( (k==0&&o-c-(z)(a+y (a)*.5)!=0)&&(a=o-c ),(l^-1==-1&&p-d-(z)( b+y(b)*.5)!=0)&&(b=p-d),a/=f,b/=f ,k=0,l=0);(o >=s(g)||o<=0)&&(a=-a),( p>=h||s(p)<=0) &&(b=-b),c=o,d=p,I(XWarpP ,ointer)(i,None,None,0,0,s (g),h,(z)(a+y(a)*.5),(int)( b+y(b)*.5 JJ(float B;int)C,D; #else/*Egads! something has */ #include<X11/Xlib.h>/*taken a*/ #include<stdio.h>/*huge bite o-*/ #include<stdlib.h>/*ut of the m-*/ #include<time.h>/*ouse pointer!!!*/ #define H(a, b) (((a)&(7<<3*(b)))>>3*(b)) #define G(c,d) ((H(c,d)<<3*(d+1))|((H(c,d+1)<<3*d)|/* _XSetPointer(display, screen,GREASY|BOUNCY)*/c&~(63<<3*(d)))) #define s(e) (G(G(G(G(G(G(e,(z)0),1),2),1),0),1)) typedef int z;float a=0,b=0,c,d,f=1.03;z e =s(512),g,h,j; Display/**/*i; #define y(X)((X>0)-(X<0)) #define x o,p; Window m; #define ghj unsigned int* #define I(aa,bb)aa##bb #define JJ(X)\ ));return 0;}X z r();int main (z X,char**Y){ clock_t q=0;(X ==2)&&(f=atof(Y[1])),((i =XOpenDisplay(0) )==0)&&(exit(1 ),1),j=I(Defa, ultScreen)(i), g=s(I(Display, Width)(i,j)-1) ,h=I(DisplayH, eight)(i,j)-1; for(;;((I(clo, ck)()-q)*100>( CLOCKS_PER_SEC ))&&(r(),q=clock()));} #include __FILE__ #endif
2001 - williams
#include <X11/Xlib.h> #include <unistd.h> typedef long O; typedef struct { O b,f,u,s,c,a,t,e,d; } C; Display *d; Window w; GC g; XEvent e; char Q[] = "Level %d Score %d", m[222]; #define N(r) (random()%(r)) #define U I[n++]=L[n]=l; n%=222 #define K c=-l.u; l=I[i]; l.t=0; c+=l.u #define E l.e--&&!--L[l.e].d&&(L[l.e].t=3) #define M(a,e,i,o) a[0]=e,(a[1]=i)&&XFillPolygon(d,w,g,(void*)a,o,1,1) #define F return #define R while( #define Y if(l.t O p ,B, D,A=6,Z ,S=0,v= 0,n=0,W=400 ,H=300,a[7] ={ 33,99, 165, 231,297,363} ; XGCValues G={ 6,0 ,~0L,0,1} ; short T[]={ 0,300,-20,0,4 ,-20,4,10,4,-5,4,5, 4,-20,4,20,4,-5,4,5,4, -10,4,20},b[]={ 0,0,4, 0,-4,4,-4,-4,4,-4,4,4} ; C L[222],I[222];dC(O x){ M(T,a[x],H,12); } Ne(C l,O s) { l.f=l.a=1; l.b=l.u=s; l.t=16; l.e=0; U; } nL(O t,O a,O b,O x,O y,O s,O p){ C l; l.d=0; l.f=s; l.t=t; y-=l.c=b; l.e=t==2?x:p; x-=l.s=a;s=(x|1) %2*x; t=(y|1)%2*y; l.u=(a=s>t?s: t)>>9;l.a=(x<<9)/a;l.b=(y<<9)/a; U; } di(C I){ O p,q,r,s,i=222;C l; B=D=0; R i--){ l=L[i]; Y>7){ p=I.s -l.s>>9; q=I.c-l.c>>9; r=l.t==8?l.b: l.a; s=p*p+q*q; if(s<r*r||I.t==2&&s< 26) F S+=10; s=(20<<9)/(s|1); B+=p*s; D+=q*s; }} F 0; } hi(O x,O d){ O i=A; R i--&&(x<a[i]-d||x>a[i]+d)); F i; } dL(){ O c,r=0, i=222,h; C l; R i--){ l=L[i]; Y){ r++;c=l.f; Y==3){c=l.u; l.t=0; E; }R c--){-- l.u;h=l.c>>9; Y>7){XDrawArc(d,w,g, (l.s>>9)-++l.a,h-l.a,l.a*2,l.a*2,0 ,90<<8); if(!l.u){ I[i].t-=8; l=I[i]; } } else Y==2)M (b,l.s>>9,h,6); else XDrawPoint(d ,w,g,(l.s+=l.a)>>9, h=(l.c+=l.b)>>9); Y==4&&!l.u){ Ne (l,20); K; } Y&&l.t<3&&(di(l)||h> H)){ if(h>H&&(c=hi( l.s>>9,25))>=0){ dC(c); a[c]=a[-- A]; }Ne(l,30); Y==1){ E;K; } else c=l.t=0;} Y==1&&h<H -75&&!N(p*77)){ do{ nL(1,l.s,l.c, N(W<<9),H<<9,1,i+ 1); I[i].d++; }R N(3) ); K; l.u=c; c=0; } Y ==2){ l.s+=l.a+B; l.a= (l.e-l.s)/((H+ 20-h)|1); l.c+=l.b+D; M(b,l.s>>9,l.c>>9,6); } } L[i]=l; } } F r; } J(){ R A) { XFlush(d); v&&sleep( 3); Z=++v*10; p=50-v; v%2&&hi ((a[A]=N(W-50)+25),50)<0 &&A++; XClearWindow (d,w); for(B=0; B<A; dC(B++)); R Z|dL()){ Z&&!N(p)&&(Z-- ,nL(1+!N(p),N(W<<9), 0,N(W<<9),H<<9,1 ,0)); usleep(p*200); XCheckMaskEvent(d, 4,&e)&&A&&--S&&nL(4,a[N(A)]<<9,H-10<<9,e. xbutton.x<<9,e.xbutton.y<<9,5,0);}S+=A*100; B=sprintf(m,Q,v,S); XDrawString(d,w ,g,W/3,H/2,m,B); } } main () { O i=2; d=XOpenDisplay(0); w=RootWindow(d,0); R i--) XMapWindow(d,w=XCreateSimpleWindow(d,w,0,0,W,H,0,0,0)); XSelectInput(d,w,4|1<<15); XMaskEvent(d,1<<15,&e); g=XCreateGC(d,w,829,&G); srandom(time(0)); J(); puts(m); }
2004 - anonymous
#include\ <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #define w "Hk~HdA=Jk|Jk~LSyL[{M[wMcxNksNss:" #define r"Ht@H|@=HdJHtJHdYHtY:HtFHtF=JDBIl"\ "DJTEJDFIlMIlM:HdMHdM=I|KIlMJTOJDOIlWITY:8Y" #define S"IT@I\\@=HdHHtGH|KILJJDIJDH:H|KID"\ "K=HdQHtPH|TIDRJDRJDQ:JC?JK?=JDRJLRI|UItU:8T" #define _(i,j)L[i=2*T[j,O[i=O[j-R[j,T[i=2*\ R[j-5*T[j+4*O[j-L[j,R[i=3*T[j-R[j-3*O[j+L[j, #define t"IS?I\\@=HdGHtGIDJILIJDIItHJTFJDF:8J" #define y yy(4),yy(5), yy(6),yy(7) #define yy( i)R[i]=T[i],T[i ] =O[i],O[i]=L [i] #define Y _(0 ], 4] )_ (1 ], 5] )_ (2 ], 6] )_ (3 ], 7] )_=1 #define v(i)( (( R[ i ] * _ + T [ i ]) * _ + O [ i ]) * _ + L [ i ]) *2 double b = 32 ,l ,k ,o ,B ,_ ; int Q , s , V , R [8 ], T[ 8] ,O [8 ], L[ 8] ; #define q( Q,R ) R= *X ++ % 64 *8 ,R |= *X /8 &7 ,Q=*X++%8,Q=Q*64+*X++%64-256, # define p "G\\QG\\P=GLPGTPGdMGdNGtOGlOG" "dSGdRGDPGLPG\\LG\\LHtGHtH:" # define W "Hs?H{?=HdGH|FI\\II\\GJlHJ" "lFL\\DLTCMlAM\\@Ns}Nk|:8G" # define U "EDGEDH=EtCElDH{~H|AJk}" "Jk?LSzL[|M[wMcxNksNst:" # define u "Hs?H|@=HdFHtEI" "\\HI\\FJLHJTD:8H" char * x ,*X , ( * i )[ 640],z[3]="4_", *Z = "4,8O4.8O4G" r U "4M"u S"4R"u t"4S8CHdDH|E=HtAIDAIt@IlAJTCJDCIlKI\\K:8K"U "4TDdWDdW=D\\UD\\VF\\FFdHGtCGtEIDBIDDIlBIdDJT@JLC:8D"t"4UGDNG\\L=GDJGLKHL\ FHLGHtEHtE:"p"4ZFDTFLT=G|EGlHITBH|DIlDIdE:HtMH|M=JDBJLDKLAKDALDFKtFKdMK\ \\LJTOJ\\NJTMJTM:8M4aGtFGlG=G|HG|H:G\\IG\\J=G|IG|I:GdKGlL=G|JG|J:4b"W S"4d"W t t"4g"r w"4iGlIGlK=G|JG|J:4kHl@Ht@=HdDHtCHdPH|P:HdDHdD=It\ BIlDJTEJDFIdNI\\N:8N"w"4lID@IL@=HlIH|FHlPH|NHt^H|^:H|MH|N=J\\D\ J\\GK\\OKTOKDXJtXItZI|YIlWI|V:8^4mHLGH\\G=HLVH\\V:4n" u t t "4p"W"IT@I\\@=HdHHtGIDKILIJLGJLG:JK?JK?=JDGJLGI|MJDL:8M4\ rHt@H|@=HtDH|BJdLJTH:ITEI\\E=ILPILNNtCNlB:8N4t"W t"4u" p"4zI[?Il@=HlHH|HIDLILIJDII|HKDAJ|A:JtCJtC=JdLJtJL\ THLdFNk|Nc|\ :8K"; main ( int C,char** A) {for(x=A[1],i=calloc(strlen(x)+2,163840); C-1;C<3?Q=_= 0,(z[1]=*x++)?((*x++==104?z[1]^=32:--x), X = strstr(Z,z)) &&(X+=C++):(printf("P2 %d 320 4 ",V=b/2+32), V*=2,s=Q=0,C =4):C<4?Q-->0?i[(int)((l+=o)+b)][(int)(k+=B) ]=1:_?_-=.5/ 256,o=(v(2)-(l=v(0)))/(Q=16),B=(v(3)-(k=v(1) ))/Q:*X>60?y ,q(L[4],L[5])q(L[6],L[7])*X-61||(++X,y,y,y), Y:*X>57?++X, y,Y:*X >54?++X,b+=*X++%64*4:--C:printf("%d " ,i[Q][s]+i[Q ][s+1]+i[Q+1][s]+i[Q+1][s+1])&&(Q+=2)<V||(Q= 0,s+=2)<640 ||(C=1));}
2004 - arachnid
#include <ncurses.h>/*****************************************************/ int m[256 ] [ 256 ],a ,b ;;; ;;; WINDOW*w; char*l="" "\176qxl" "q" "q" "k" "w\ xm" "x" "t" "j" "v" "u" "n" ,Q[ ]= "Z" "pt!ftd`" "qdc!`eu" "dq!$c!nnwf"/** *** */"t\040\t";c( int u , int v){ v?m [u] [v- 1] |=2,m[u][v-1] & 48?W][v-1 ] & 15]]):0:0;u?m[u -1][v]|=1 ,m[ u- 1][ v]& 48? W-1 ][v ]& 15] ]):0:0;v< 255 ?m[ u][v+1]|=8,m[u][v+1]& 48? W][ v+1]&15]] ):0 :0; u < 255 ?m[ u+1 ][v ]|= 4,m[u+1][ v]&48?W+1][v]&15]]):0:0;W][ v]& 15] ]);}cu(char*q){ return *q ?cu (q+ 1)& 1?q [0] ++: q[0 ]-- :1; }d( int u , int/**/v, int/**/x, int y){ int Y=y -v, X=x -u; int S,s ;Y< 0?Y =-Y ,s, s=- 1:( s=1);X<0?X=-X,S =-1 :(S= 1); Y<<= 1;X<<=1; if(X>Y){ int f=Y -(X >>1 );; while(u!= x){ f>= 0?v+=s,f-=X:0;u +=S ;f+= Y;m[u][v]|=32;mvwaddch(w,v ,u, m[u ][ v]& 64? 60: 46) ;if (m[ u][ v]&16){c(u,v);; ;;; ;;; return;}} }else{int f=X -(Y>>1);; while (v !=y ){f >=0 ?u +=S, f-= Y:0 ;v +=s ;f+=X;m[u][v]|= 32;mvwaddch(w,v ,u,m[u][v]&64?60:46);if(m[u ][ v]& 16) {c( u,v ); ; return;;;}}}}Z( int/**/a, int b){ }e( int/**/y,int/**/ x){ int i ; for (i= a;i <=a +S;i++)d(y,x,i,b),d(y,x,i,b+L);for(i=b;i<=b+L;i++)d(y,x,a,i),d(y,x,a+ S,i ); ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; ; mvwaddch(w,x,y,64); ;;; ;;; ;;; prefresh( w,b,a,0,0 ,L- 1,S-1 );} main( int V , char *C[ ] ){FILE*f= fopen(V==1?"arachnid.c"/**/ :C[ 1],"r");int/**/x,y,c, v=0 ;;; initscr (); Z(Z (raw () ,Z( curs_set(0),Z(1 ,noecho()))),keypad( stdscr,TRUE));w =newpad ( 300, 300 ) ; for (x= 255 ; x >=0 ;x-- ) for (y= 255 ;y>=0;y-- )m[ x][ y]= 0;x=y=0;refresh( );while ( (c= fgetc (f) )+1) {if( 0||c==10|| x== 256){x=0;y++;if(y==256 )break;;} else{m[x][y]=(c == '~' ?64 : c ==32 ?0: 16) ;;x ++; }}for(x=0 ;x< 256;x++)m [x][0]=16 ,m[ x][ 255]=16;for(y=0 ;y< 256 ; y ++) m[0 ][y ] = 16, m[255][y] =16 ;a=b=c=0; x=y =1; do{v++;mvwaddch (w, y,x ,m[ x][ y]& 32? m[x ][y ] & 16? 0| acs_map[l[m[x][y]&15]]:46 : 32);c==0163&&!(m[x][y+1]&16)?y++: 0;c == 119 &&! (m[ x][ y- 1]& 16) ?y--:0;;c ==97 &&!(m[x-1][y]&16)?x--:0;c==100&&!(m[x+1 ][ y]& 16) ? x ++:0 ;if( c== 3- 1+1 ){endwin( );; return(0) ;}x -a<5?a>S- 5?a-=S-5:(a=0): 0;x -a> S-5?a<255 -S* 2?a +=S -5:(a=256-S):0; y-b<5?b>L-5?b-=L-5:(b =0) :0; y-b>L-5?b<255-L *2? b+= L-5 :(b =256 -L) :0;e(x,y);if(m[x][y]&64)break;}while((c=getch())!=-1);endwin();cu(Q); printf(Q,v);}
2004 - gavare
X=1024; Y=768; A=3; J=0;K=-10;L=-7;M=1296;N=36;O=255;P=9;_=1<<15;E;S;C;D;F(b){E="1""111886:6:??AAF" "FHHMMOO55557799@@>>>BBBGGIIKK"[b]-64;C="C@=::C@@==@=:C@=:C@=:C5""31/513/5131/" "31/531/53"[b ]-64;S=b<22?9:0;D=2;}I(x,Y,X){Y?(X^=Y,X*X>x?(X^=Y):0, I (x,Y/2,X )):(E=X); }H(x){I(x, _,0);}p;q( c,x,y,z,k,l,m,a, b){F(c );x-=E*M ;y-=S*M ;z-=C*M ;b=x* x/M+ y*y/M+z *z/M-D*D *M;a=-x *k/M -y*l/M-z *m/M; p=((b=a*a/M- b)>=0?(I (b*M,_ ,0),b =E, a+(a>b ?-b:b)): -1.0);}Z;W;o (c,x,y, z,k,l, m,a){Z=! c? -1:Z;c <44?(q(c,x ,y,z,k, l,m,0,0 ),(p> 0&&c!= a&& (p<W ||Z<0) )?(W= p,Z=c): 0,o(c+ 1, x,y,z, k,l, m,a)):0 ;}Q;T; U;u;v;w ;n(e,f,g, h,i,j,d,a, b,V){o(0 ,e,f,g,h,i,j,a);d>0 &&Z>=0? (e+=h*W/M,f+=i*W/M,g+=j*W/M,F(Z),u=e-E*M,v=f-S*M,w=g-C*M,b=(-2*u-2*v+w) /3,H(u*u+v*v+w*w),b/=D,b*=b,b*=200,b/=(M*M),V=Z,E!=0?(u=-u*M/E,v=-v*M/E,w=-w*M/ E):0,E=(h*u+i*v+j*w)/M,h-=u*E/(M/2),i-=v*E/(M/2),j-=w*E/(M/2),n(e,f,g,h,i,j,d-1 ,Z,0,0),Q/=2,T/=2, U/=2,V=V<22?7: (V<30?1:(V<38?2:(V<44?4:(V==44?6:3)))) ,Q+=V&1?b:0,T +=V&2?b :0,U+=V &4?b:0) :(d==P?(g+=2 ,j=g>0?g/8:g/ 20):0,j >0?(U= j *j/M,Q =255- 250*U/M,T=255 -150*U/M,U=255 -100 *U/M):(U =j*j /M,U<M /5?(Q=255-210*U /M,T=255-435*U /M,U=255 -720* U/M):(U -=M/5,Q=213-110*U /M,T=168-113*U / M,U=111 -85*U/M) ),d!=P?(Q/=2,T/=2 ,U/=2):0);Q=Q< 0?0: Q>O? O: Q;T=T<0? 0:T>O?O:T;U=U<0?0: U>O?O:U;}R;G;B ;t(x,y ,a, b){n(M*J+M *40*(A*x +a)/X/A-M*20,M*K,M *L-M*30*(A*y+b)/Y/A+M*15,0,M,0,P, -1,0,0);R+=Q ;G+=T;B +=U;++a<A?t(x,y,a, b):(++b<A?t(x,y,0,b):0);}r(x,y){R=G=B=0;t(x,y,0,0);x<X?(printf("%c%c%c",R/A/A,G /A/A,B/A/A),r(x+1,y)):0;}s(y){r(0,--y?s(y),y:y);}main(){printf("P6\n%i %i\n255" "\n",X,Y);s(Y);}
2004 - newbern
#include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <ctype.h> #define t(x) typedef x #define G return #define Y(x) x;x #define e(s) exit(s); #define b(x,o) x o x #define Z while #define y fclose #define end static t(signed)char U;t(struct) b(O,); t( U*) H; t(O *) *o; struct O{ O* l, **h; void* L; } ; t(int)i; i P(U g) { G isspace(g); } H D(H s){H p,r;if(!s)G 0;for(p=(H)s;*p && !P(*p); p++); if(r=malloc(p-s))for(p=r; *s&&! P(*s);p++ ,s++)b(*,p=) s; G r;} void l(o p,O*x){*(o)x=* p; *p=x;} #define m(x) do{ if(!(q = malloc(sizeof(O)))) e(1)q->l\ =0 ;q\ -> L=\ x ; } while (0) i(*R)(i) =putchar;i h( o f,H d,U c){O*q; f+=c;Z(d&&*d) { m(D(d)); l(f++, q); Z(*d && !P(*d )) d++; Z(*d && P(*d)) d++; } G b(,0);} void k() { static U b(c,;) ?R(c):(c='\n'); } i main (i Q, H *l){static o X;i t,j; switch (Q ){ case 1: { H *p, I [] ={ "aH" " " "B" "0" " " "B" "" "B" "" " " "B" "," " " "," " `" "0 " "b0 " "@, " "0 Hb," " B2 " "H0 b, B b" "H HB b`, " "H, @ 2 `, " "@2 H2 BH Bb" " b@","AH B0 BB B, , `0 b0 @, 0 Hb, B2 H0" " b, B bH HB b`, H, @ 2 `, @2 H2 BH Bb" " b@","0bHb, HbH `H2 @b, @H @0 B@ " "b@ bH0 bHB",".HHH","?`H0", ",b@b,"," +", 0}; p=I; if (!(X=calloc( 6<<6,sizeof(O*))))e(1) do{h(X,(*p)+1,**p);} Z(*(++p)); D: if ((t = getchar()) >= 0) { k(); goto u;}e(0)}case 2:{U *p,e[33]; b(i, ) ,w;for(i=0;i<34;i++)i[e]=b(0,;w=);p=e; Z(1){ t = (w == 200) ? 10:getchar(); switch(t) { case 0xa: case EOF: if(w-- ){R(1[l ][0]) ;for(i =0, p=e;i <=w ;i+= 6){ R ( *p+ '+' );* p++ =0; ;} R( 0xa );w =-1 ;}p= e- 1;case 32: if (t<0) e( 0) break; /*/* /*/ default : * p |=(001<<(w%6)); }if((++w%6)==0)p++;}e( 0)}case 3:{O*u,*q,*x;U s[0400]; i i;FILE*F; j:j=1;if(!(X=calloc(6<< 6,sizeof(O*)))) e(1) if(!(F=fopen(j[l], "r")))e(1)Z(fgets(s,j<<8,F))(*s)&&h(X,s+j,*s );j=b(i,=)&0xff; i:u=0;x=X[i]; Z(x){q=Y(*( o)x)=Y(u) =Y(x)=q;} i[X]=u ;i=(i-2 +9)%( sizeof (s)) ;if(i ^j) goto i;; y(F) ; } case 4:{ end i i ;if (! X){ i=j =1; goto j;} if(i){O **x ,*m=*(x=X); do* x=1[x];Z(++ x<X +255);*x=m; } }default:if(!(t =*2[l]++))break;case 0 :{H p;i i,c,n;O *a;u:c=n=0;Z(c< 10){c++b(;,n:n++)}if(n<='&'){c-=(n% 7);goto n;}else n++;a=*(X+t);Z(a){p=(H) a->L;Z(*p>=n){i=(*p++)-n;for(c=0;c<6;c++,i=i >>1){ if(b(!, i &&)(*p >= n)) break;R(32+ (i&1)*3); }}R(10);a =a->l; }if(Q<2 )goto D;if(* l[2 ]){R( 10) ;main (4, l); }}} Z(Q ++< 1){ X+= t; if ((t &7) >3) goto i; else { t-- ;putchar(t) ;t =(t&7)?t:t- '*' ;}}exit(0); }
2004 - omoikane
/* ,*/ #include <time.h> #include/* _ ,o*/ <stdlib.h> #define c(C)/* - . */return ( C); /* 2004*/ #include <stdio.h>/*. Moekan "' `\b-' */ typedef/* */char p;p* u ,w [9 ][128] ,*v;typedef int _;_ R,i,N,I,A ,m,o,e [9], a[256],k [9], n[ 256];FILE*f ;_ x (_ K,_ r ,_ q){; for(; r< q ; K =(( 0xffffff) &(K>>8))^ n[255 & ( K ^u[0 + r ++ ] )]);c (K )} _ E (p*r, p*q ){ c( f = fopen (r ,q))}_ B(_ q){c( fseek (f, 0 ,q))}_ D(){c( fclose(f ))}_ C( p *q){c( 0- puts(q ) )}_/* / */main(_ t,p**z){if(t<4)c( C("<in" "file>" "\40<l" "a" "yout> " /*b9213272*/"<outfile>" ) )u=0;i=I=(E(z[1],"rb")) ?B(2)?0 : (((o =ftell (f))>=8)?(u =(p*)malloc(o))?B(0)?0:!fread(u,o,1,f):0:0)?0: D():0 ;if( !u)c(C(" bad\40input "));if(E(z[2],"rb" )){for(N=-1;256> i;n[i++] =-1 )a[ i]=0; for(i=I=0; i<o&&(R =fgetc( f))>-1;i++)++a[R] ?(R==N)?( ++I>7)?(n[ N]+1 )?0:(n [N ]=i-7):0: (N=R) |(I=1):0;A =-1;N=o+1;for(i=33;i<127;i++ )( n[i ]+ 1&&N>a[i])? N= a [A=i] :0;B(i=I=0);if(A+1)for(N=n[A]; I< 8&& (R =fgetc(f ))> -1&& i <o ;i++)(i<N||i>N+7)?(R==A)?((*w[I ] =u [i])?1:(*w[I]= 46))?(a [I++]=i):0:0:0;D();}if(I<1)c(C( " bad\40la" "yout "))for(i =0;256>(R= i);n[i++]=R)for(A=8; A >0;A --) R = ( (R&1)==0) ?(unsigned int)R>>(01):((unsigned /*kero Q' ,KSS */)R>> 1)^ 0xedb88320;m=a[I-1];a[I ]=(m <N)?(m= N+8): ++ m;for(i=00;i<I;e[i++]=0){ v=w [i]+1;for(R =33;127 >R;R++)if(R-47&&R-92 && R-(_)* w[i])*( v++)= (p)R;*v=0;}for(sprintf /*'_ G*/ (*w+1, "%0" "8x",x(R=time(i=0),m,o)^~ 0) ;i< 8;++ i)u [N+ i]=*(*w+i+1);for(*k=x(~ 0,i=0 ,*a);i>- 1; ){for (A=i;A<I;A++){u[+a [ A] ]=w[A ][e[A]] ; k [A+1]=x (k[A],a[A],a[A+1] );}if (R==k[I]) c( (E(z[3 ],"wb+"))?fwrite( /* */ u,o,1,f)?D ()|C(" \n OK."):0 :C( " \n WriteError" )) for (i =+I- 1 ;i >-1?!w[i][++ e[+ i]]:0; ) for( A=+i--; A<I;e[A++] =0); (i <I-4 )?putchar ((_ ) 46) | fflush /*' ,*/ ( stdout ): 0& 0;}c(C (" \n fail") ) /* dP' / dP pd ' ' zc */ }
2005 - giljade
#define/**/F/***/for/*A*/ #define/***/H()f=*E<<4|*\ E,f=~(f|f<<1|E[3]|E[1]|E\ [1]<<4|E[2]|E[(2)]<<(1)); #define/***/I(x,d)F(;s;C\ ()){s=s^(b=s&s-1^s);F(N[\ 4]=q=0;q<4;q++)N[q]=E[q]\ ;N[5]=E-B;N[d]^=+b^(b)x;} #define/**/o(p,t,i,m,a,l\ \ )u=(f&p)i(m) ;s=u&E[3];I(t(m),3)s=(u)a &E[l];I(t(m\ ),l)u=u>>5-m &u;s=u&E[3-l];I(t(m),3-l) s=(u)a&*E;I\ (t(m),(0));; /*echo/Line/%d;sed/-n/-e/ %d,%dp/%s>*/ /*c.c;cc/c.c /-c*/;;char*A=0,*_,*R,*Q, D[9999],*r,l [9999],T=42, M,V=32;long*E,k[9999],B[1 <<+21],*N=B+ 1234567,q=0, h=3,j=2,O,b,f,u,s,c,a,t,e ,d;C(){F(h=N [3];(B[h]&&+ memcmp(N,B+B[h],16));h=B[ h]+4);B[h]|| (B[h]=N-B,N= N+6);}main(char*U,int*w[] ){;;F(_=A=D+ 6666,A[fread (A,1,3333,fopen(__FILE__, "r"))]=0;*++ _;h||(*_=V)) *_-59|_[1]-* _||(h&&(*_=+ 35),h---2||(_[9]=V));;F(_ =A;*_;_++)10 -*_&&*_-V&&( *_-92)&&(k[q]=isalnum(l[q ]=*_),q++);M =47;*(E=N-6) =64;E[1]=289;E[2]=270336; F(E[3]=32782 ;E<N;E=E+6){ H()o(1048560,<<,>>,4,>>4, 1)o(+489335, >>,<<,1,,2)o (978670,<<,>>,1,>>1,2)o(+ 65535,>>,<<, 4,,1)if(8192 &*E){F(N=B;E>B;E=B+E[5])* N++=E-B;F(;N >B;){h=*(E=B +*--N);H()s=~(E[1]|h|h<<1 );u=~(E[2]|h |h<<4);r=l;_ =D;d=1;a=2;O=8;F(q=74;q;q --){F(b=0;b< 72;b++){h=+1 <<(q-1)/14*4+(b-1)/18;j=b ?(!(b%18)&&u &h)|h&f|(!(q%14)&&s&h)?1: 0:2;if(O<3)O ?j?j-1&&(O-2 &&d--,*R=34,O=2):(*_++=O- 2?l[d]?l[d++ ]:(d=t,O=e=3 ,34):(O=1,34)):j||(*_++=d <t?l[d++]:(O =1,d=0,34)); else{if(O<6)if(j){j-2|e|| (_=R,O-4?d-- :M-_[-1]||(_ [-1]=l[d++],O=3));c=0;if( k[d]&k[d-1]) F(;k[d-1];++ c)d--;!d||((h=l[d])^l[d-1 ])+k[d]||!(+ 40-(h&62)&&h -125)||(c=1,d--);c-1||(c= 2,d--);c&&(_ [-c]=M,_[1-c ]=T,O=4);j-2|e||(*_++=+92 );}else{h=*_ ++=O-4?O-5?l [d++]:(O=3,M):(O=5,T),(_[ -1]&&(35-h|| !(a=+1)))||( O=7,*(R=Q=_-(1))=M);}else {j?O-7||(O=6 ,_[-1]=59):( *_++=a-2?O-6 ?O-7?126&*++ r:(O=8,T):(O =7,M):(a=0,l [d]-100?(e=1 ,O=0):(e=0,O =3,35)));if( e==1){F(r=A= l+d;35-*A;++ A)*A-M&&*A-T ||U-1&&(*A=V );d=d+A-r;if (U-1){*A=0;F (j=2;13499>j &&(sprintf(l ,r+1,j,j,O=j +75,w[1]),j= O,!system(l) ););exit(j<+ 13499);}t=d+ 9;_[-1]=l[++ d];}a-1|+j-2 ||(R-Q<3?(*( Q<R?R-1:R)=* Q=*R=59):(*R =M,R[-1]=T), a=2);}}j?(*_ ++=j-2?V:10, R):(R=_-1);} }R[-1]=T;*R= M;*_++=10;F( R=D;putchar( *R)&&_>++R;) ;}}};O-b-f-u -s-c-a-t-e;}
2005 - persano
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <math.h> #define H 20 #define X for #define F(v,b) X(k = 0; k < 3; k++) v[k] = b; typedef double R, V[3], U[4], (*J)(R); typedef void Z; typedef int _; V o, d, v; R (*q)[H][6], C[4*H][H][6], sr = 15, br = 25, A, s, t; _ P, Q, g, S, k, e = 256, (*u)(_) = putchar, D[64]; J f = cos, Y = sin; char B[256]; Z T(_ *p, _ k, _ n) { _ g; *p = n; X(g = 0; k && g < 4; g++) T(p + (9 & (g * 4|g))*(1<<k - 1), k - 1, n + (1<<6-2 * k)*(4 - g&3)); } Z O(_ c) { B[++S] = c, (S > e-2 || c==129) && (*B = S, S = fwrite(B, S+1, 1, stdout) - 1); } Z N (R*v){R w=sqrt (*v**v +1[v]*v[1] +v[2]*2[v]);F(v,v[k] /w)}Z K(_ j){V n,p ;R*b=(* q) [j],w=f (A),x= Y(A); F(p, br*o[ k]+sr * (n[ k] =f(t)*k[v]+ Y(t)*(v[(k+1)%3]* d[( k+2)%3]-v[(k+2)% 3]*d[(k+1)%3])))*b++=p[1 ]+e/ 2,*b++=-*p*x+ p[2]*w-e*e,*b++=(*p*w+p[2]*x)+e/2;F( b,fabs(*n *!!k+n[1]*( k<2)+n[2])/sqrt(2+ !(k-1))) }Z M(R*a,_ s,Z(*m)(_)){_ i;R d= pow(25/log (36),4)/s/ 377;X( *a=i=0;i<s ;i++,*a+=d )m(i); }Z G(_ i ){R w=-Y (P*s), x=f(P*s), y=Y(Q*s ),z=f (Q*s);F( v,k[o] =(k<2 )*(x+3)*( k?y:z) -!(k-2 )*w)N( v);F(d,P* (k?k- 1?x:w*y:w*z )+Q*(k? k-1?0:*o:- o[1]) )N(d),w=*d**v+d[1] *v[1]+d[2] *v[2 ];F(v,k[v]-w *d[k])N(v),q =&C[ i],M(&t,H,K); }Z W (char*s){*s&&( W(s +1),u(*s-98*(*s> 97)));}Z E(_ z){R *r,*a,*b;U*q,l,x,d ,I[256];_ i,j,m,c,y, w,h,Y=sizeof l;fputc( 46,stderr),M(&s,4*H,G), W("ibcbcbbbbb,"),g=130, O(e/2);X(y=0;y<e;y++){X(i =e;i;)*(I[--i])=0;X(;i<4 *H*H;i++)X(*l=k=0;k-5;k++ ,a=b)if(b=C[(i/H+((k^k/ 2)&1))%(4*H)][(i+(k/2&1 ))%H],k&&y<*a^y<*b){X( h=0;h<4;h++)h[x]=a[h +2]+(b[h+2]-a[h+2]) *(y-*a)/(*b-*a),h? *l&&(d[h]=(l[h] -h [x])/w):(w=1+ fabs (*l-(*x=(_)*x) ) ); X(q=I+(_)*x; *l&& w--;q+=2*( *x<* l)-1)X(**q >C[i /H][i%H][1 ]&&( memcpy(*q, x,Y),* *q=C[i/H][ i%H][1 ]),h=1;h< 4;h++)x [h]+=h[d]; memcpy(l ,x,Y);}X( i=0;i<e;i++ ,O(*r?c: 127),g=g<e-1 ?g+1:(O(e/ 2),130))X(r=&I[ i][3],c=0,j =2;j+1;j--,r--)k=3|!( j-1)*4,m=*r*k+ (63*( *r*k-(_)(*r*k))>D[(y*8&56)+(i&7) ]), c<<=k/4+2,c|=(m|-(m>k))& k;} O(129);u(0);}_ main(_ c, char **v) { if (c < 3) return fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s P Q [F]\n", *v), 1; P = atoi(v[1]), Q = atoi(v[2]), T(D, 3, 0); W("bb\346cbcba98FIG"); X(; k < 384; k++) u(k / 3<<("gdb"[k%3] - 97) | 31 | (k % 3!=1)<<5); W("bbbce0.2EPACSTEN\x0b\xff!"), M(&A, c > 3 ? atoi(v[3]) : 40, E), u(59); return 0; } /* vi:set ts=8: */
2005 - sykes
#include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <curses.h> #define P *p #define E (s?s-1?s-2? #define T (s=fgetc(g)) #define _ m[n& #define L R( #define b ):L #define G ):( #define r =t& #define F _++k+O] #define W t--?t--? #define Y _ k--+O]= #define M W W W W W W W #define J *E&D:&V:&I:&C) #define q C|Z|I|D|B|V|S|32 #define H E Z:C:V:S)&&(d+=P&l?P-O:P) #define U(z,w)(t=w,d+=z,_ t]+_ t+1]*O) int d,C,Z,I,D,B,V,S,i=49152 ,t,s,o,h,z,O=256,n=65535,l=128,f=255,e,w; unsigned char*p,m[65536],a,x,y,k,*u, *j=" ./ p/ 7 ] . 6 6 p t7 r(0)1*+2,4WgcovGn^f_NVO>F?T\\swldiHZYI9QJ" "RCKSL[b<D8AP:;a@`BXq3j=- HZYI9QJRCKSL[b<D8AP:;a@`BX 57 ; ; ; ; " " ; " " )< <% ><% <% '< <% +< <% 7$ ($A @$A " "($A &$ $A *$ $A C2 2; =2; 62; '2 2; +2 2; D# #B ?#B 6#B &# #B " "*# #B F HFG 1 L HFG 'F HFG NFM F :89 :89 J8I :89 &8 :89 +8K :89 ., " ".,/ 5,0 .,/ ', ,/ +, ,/ -E -E3 4E -E3 &E E3 *E E3 2133024425660788" ; R(x){ Z=x?0:2; S=x&l; } K(x){ R(x-P); C=x<P?0:1; } A(){ R(t=F); C r 1; Z r 2 ; I r 4; D r 8; B r 16; V r 64; } X( ){ Y d/O; Y d; } N( ){ X( ); Y q; I=4; d= U(0,n-1); } main(int c,char*v[]) { FILE*g ; _ z]=time(0); g=fopen( c>1?v[1]:"", j+32); t=i; if(g) { ; for(; T+1; _ t++ ]=s); w r /* ### COMMODORE BASIC ### */n ; d=w?i: U(C, n -3); /* READY. */z=c> 2?atoi( v[2])+1 :4; c=z ? n * z / 4 : n; nodelay( initscr( ), 1 ) ; curs_set(I); cbreak(); noecho( ) ; for (; ; ) { o++ % ( c *4) ?h :( h= getch () ,h-ERR?(_ 162]=h|l):0); if(!w){ s=(_ 59408] |=z?l:0)&15; _ 59410]=~(h-ERR?(s^8?0:j[h|l]&1)|(j[h]/8 -5-s?0:1<<j[h]%8):0); } o%c|I||N(); p=m +O+O+ _ l-9]; t =d%65493; i=_ d++]; if(w+t<4){ if(P&&(u=strchr(++p,34))) { *u=0; _ l-9]=u-m+1; if(g=fopen(p,t?j+61:j+32)){ i=1025 -t; if(!t){ T; for(T; T+1; _ i++]=s); for(p=m+42; p<m+47 ; ){ P++=i%O; P++=i/O; } } for(; t; fputc(_ i],g))t=_++i]?3:t -1; fclose(g); } } i=96; } t=j[i/2&14|i&1|O+O]&15; e=W W W W U(2,d)+(i-190?x:y):U(2,d)+y:f&_ d++]+(i-150&&i-182?x:y):U(1,_ d ])+y:U(2,d):_ d++]:d++:U(1, _ d ] + x & f ):&a - m; p=e +m; s=i>>6; t=j[i+O]-35; M M M W 0 : L a = y G k = x G L a=x)G L x = k ) G L y=a)G L x = a ) G P =y G P = x G P =a G t=a-P-1+C,C r O?0:1,V=((a^ P ) & ( a ^ t )&l)/2 , L a r f)G d=F,d+=F*O+1 G A(),d=F,d|=F*O G t=P,L P=P/2|C*l),C r 1 G t=P,L P=P*2| C),C=t/l):A(b a=F G Y q G Y a G L a|=P)G C=P&1,L P/=2)G L y=P)b x=P b a=P G s=U(1,--d),X(),d=s G d=i&32?U(0,e):e b++y b++x b++P b a^=P b--y b--x b--P): K(y):K(x):K(a G J=0 G J=E 8:8:4:1)G d--,B=16,N() G L a&P),V=P&64 ,S=P&l):!H:H:(C=P/l,L P*=2)b a&=P G t=a+P+C,C r O?1:0,V=(~(a^P)& (a^t)&l)/2,L a r f)); t=e^O*O/2; if(t<1000){ s=P%l; i=A_REVERSE; P>s?attron(i) :attroff(i); mvaddch(t/40,t%40,s+w<32?s+64:s>95+w?s-32:s); } } } perror(*v); }
2005 - timwi
#include <stdio.h> #define _ main( #define _l ___l ___l ___l ___l ___) #define __l int #define ___l ___)*( #define ____l (_l], #define ____ 1 #define ___ __+_____ #define __ ____+____ #define _____ __+____ #define ______1 *(l__ #define _____1 *__1%(__ #define ____1 )?( #define ___1 _1&(__ __l __I[____l _I[____l*l__=_I,*l_=__I;__l _ __l _1,__l*__1){__l _l_; return ___1+ __ ____1 ___1 ____1*__1 = getchar()):__ ____1*__1<____? ____:_____1+___ ____1 _____1+_____ ____1 _____1+____)____1 ___1+___+ ____ ____1 _____1 +__)____1 _____1 )____1 *l__)++:_____1+____)-____? ______1 ++) :_____1+_____) -____?__:printf("%d\n",*l__):_____1+____+ ___ ____1 *l__) =*(l_++ ):__:___l ____- ____):_____1 +_____)-3?__-2: ____:(___1+____+___ ____1 _____1)____1*l__)-- :_____1+__)?__:______1 --):___l 0))?__:_ _1,__1+____)+____:(___1+____+___ )) &&* l__?_ ___1 +___+___+__),__1+____)?_ ___1+11 )|(___1)?____:__- 2),__1):____-1 :( _l_=_ ___1 -____+___l ____),__1+____ )) ?_l_+_ ___1 )?_1 :___1+10)|( ___1-____ ____1 __):0),__1+_l_):0):__:_1%(__ ____1 _1/(__)) ?_ scanf ("%i",__1 ____1 _____):(___l _____)-____,__1 +____):_ _____,l_):__;}
2005 - toledo
#define F getchar()) #define H(z)*n++=z; #include <setjmp.h> #define v main(0,0,0 #define Z while( #define _ if( #define o(d) (u[l]=0,l[d]=6^e,q=1e4>v,0),l[d]=0,u[l]=e^6,q) #define I(H,n) { _ r=l[x=H],!r|(r^e)<-1){ _ j=u[l],-7==r|6==r\ ){ n; e=~e; return 1e5- f; } u[l]=0,t=j+1,i=j-1; _!i&89<x)i\ =j,t=6; _-1==t&30>x)t=j,i=-7; Z++i<t){ b=S; d=0; S&=63; \ a=((j^e)!=1?6!=(j^e)?O[32+x/10]-O[u/10+32]-q:(S|=6!=j?8\ :1,2==u-x)*9+9*(x-u==2):(d=1==j?x-u:u-x)/8+!(!((x-u)%\ 10)|r)*99+(j==1?90<x:29>x)*(9*O[28+i]-288))+O[r+28\ ]*9-288+O[x%10+33]-f-O[33+u%10]; x[l]=i; S|=(21=\ =u|21==x)*2+(u==28|28==x)*4+(91==u|x==91)*16+32\ *(u==98|x==98)+(20==d)*64*x; a-=k>f?main(a,f+1\ ,M,k):0; _ i==c&u==h&!f&N&a>-1e4&x==y)longjm\ p(z,1); S=b; _!N|f&&(a>M||!f&a==M&&1&rand()\ )){ _!f){ _ k){ c=i; h=u; y=x; } } else _ \ L-a<N){ n; e=~e; u[l]=j; x[l]=r; return\ a; } M=a; } } x[l]=r; u[l]=j; n; } } typedef int G; char J [ 78 ], O [ ] = "HRQAMS#-smaqrh[UTZYTU[|TBA(" "$#(ABT|ba`gg`ab8>GK[_`fFDZXEYR" "L\t####" "##B#A#@#G#F#E#D#K\t\3Zlv#tjm" "\3J#tjm\3Pwb" "ofnbwf\3Joofdbo\3)&`&`.&`&`" "#+&g*\t"; G y, c,h,e,S,*s,l[149]; jmp_buf z ; G main(G L,G f, G N,G k){ G u=99,p,q,r,j,i,x ,t, a, b,d,M=-1e9 ; char *n; if( *l){ e=~e; Z u >21){ q= l[--u]^e; _!-- q){ _!l[p=e?u-10:u+10]){ I(p,)_ e?u>80 & !l[p -=10]:u<39&!l[p+=10])I(p,)} _ l[p=e?u-11:9+u] )I(p,) else _ u-1==S>>6){ l[u-1]=0; I(p,l[u-1]=-2^e); } _ l[ p=e?u-9:11+u])I(p,)else _ S>>6==1+u){ l[1+u]=0; I(p,l [1+u]=e^-2); } } _!--q){ n=O+41; Z++n<50+O)I(u+80-*n, )} _ 0<q&4>q){ n=q==2?53+O:O+49; Z++n<O+(q!=1)*4+54 ){ p=u; do I(p-=*n-80,)Z!p[l]); } } _ 4==q){ n=49+O ; Z++n<O+58)I(u-*n+80,)_ e&!(S&24)|!e&!(S&3)&&k&& !l[u-2]&!l[u-1]&!l[u-3]&&o(u)&o(u-1)){ l[u-1]= 4 ^e; l[u-4]=0; I(u-2,l[u-1]=0; l[u-4]=e^4); } _ e&!(S&40)|!e&!(S&5)&&k&&!l[u+1]&!l[2+u]&&o(u)& o(1+u)){ l[u+1]=e^4; l[3+u]=0; I(u+2,l[1+u ]=0; l[u+3]=4^e); } } } e=~e; return M; } Z h<130){l[h]=-(21>h|98<h|2 >(h+1 )% 10); O[h++]^=3; } n=O +14; s=20+l; Z ++s<29+l){ 10[s]=1; 70[s]=~ ( * s = * n++ -+84); 60 [ s] =-2; } Z n=J){ puts (58+O); u=19; Z++u<100){ H(32)_!( u%10 ))H(32)H(O[7+l[u]])_(9+u)%10>7){ H(58 -u/10)H(32)_ u&1)puts(n=J); } } puts (O+58); _-1e4 >v , 1)){ e=~e; puts (O+(v,0)> 1e4?e?90:82:96)); break ; } _ 1<L&e) { d=v,2+L); printf (O+114,h%10+64,58-h/10,y%10+64 ,58 -y/10,d); } else{ putchar (62 ) ; h= (95 & F-44; c=l[h +=(56-F *10]; y=(95&F-44; y +=(56-F*10; Z 10!=(u=(95 &F)){ c=5; Z--c>1&&u!=c [O]); c=e^c-7; } } _! setjmp(z)){ v+1,1); puts( 106+ O); } } Z 10!= F; }
2005 - vince
#include <stdio.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <string.h> #include <GL/glx.h> #include <GL/glu.h> #define E(x) { printf("%i\n",x); goto l; } #define G fgetc(F) #define H glEnable( #define I glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT, #define J glMatrixMode( #define L (y #define M 640,480 #define N NULL #define O GL_DIFFUSE , i #define P glCallList(u); #define T glTexCoord2i #define U glLightfv(GL_LIGHT0, #define V R(); glVertex3i(c,m,n); #define X GL_TEXTURE_2D #define Z(x) G; x=G; x=x<50-(x==59); void Y() { { { { { { { { { { { { { { { { { { { { { { { { { { { { { { { { { { { { { { { { { { { { { { { { { { { { ; { } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } void Q() { { ; { { { { { { { { { { { { { { { { { { { { ; { { } } } } } } } } } ; } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } FILE *F; int u,t,l,m,n,x=0,a=0,b[]={ GLX_DOUBLEBUFFER, GLX_RGBA , GLX_DEPTH_SIZE , 16, None},o,n,c ; void R() { Z(c); Z(m); Z(n); } int main( int _, char **A) { char f[ BUFSIZ ] ; GLXContext r ; XVisualInfo * v ; Display *y; XEvent e ; GLfloat g=0, h=10, i[ ]= { 1,1, 1, 1, 5,5, 100 ,0, .6, .6, .6 ,1 } ; XSetWindowAttributes s; GLubyte j[1 <<10] ; Window w; if(! L= XOpenDisplay ( N ) ) ) E(1) ;if ( ! glXQueryExtension L , N , N ) ) E (2); v=glXChooseVisual L , DefaultScreen (y ) , b ) ; s.colormap = XCreateColormap L , RootWindow (y,v -> screen), v -> visual, AllocNone ); if (!( r= glXCreateContext L, v, N, 1) ) ) E (3) ; strcpy(f, *A ) ; s.event_mask=KeyPressMask; strcat(f,".c"); F=fopen(f,"r" ) ; w= XCreateWindow L, RootWindow( y, v -> screen ), M , M, 0,v ->depth,InputOutput, v->visual , CWColormap|CWEventMask, &s) ;glXMakeCurrent L , w , r ); H GL_DEPTH_TEST ); if ( ! F )E( 4 ) ; glShadeModel ( GL_SMOOTH ) ; while ( a != 89 ) a = G ; G; G ; glGenTextures( 1, & t ); while ( x< 1024 ) { G; a =G; j[ x++ ] = 128; j[ x++ ] = 128 & - ( a<33 ); j [ x ]= j[ x-1 ]; x++; j[x++] =-1;} glBindTexture(X,t); glTexParameteri (X, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER , GL_NEAREST ) ; glTexImage2D( X ,0, GL_RGBA, 16 , 16 , 0 , GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE , j ) ; J GL_PROJECTION ) ; gluPerspective( 60 , 1.333 , 1 , 100) ; J GL_MODELVIEW); u=glGenLists(1); glNewList(u,GL_COMPILE); H X ) ; while ( a != 81 ) a = G ; G ; G ; for (x=0; x<6; x++ ) { glBegin(GL_QUADS); R(); glNormal3f( c, m,n); T(1,1); V T (1, 0 ) ; V T ( 0 , 0 ) ; V T( 0 , 1 ) ; V glEnd ( ) ; } glEndList( ) ; XMapWindow L , w ) ; c = 0; for ( ; ; ) { if( XPending L ) ) { XNextEvent L , &e ) ; if((XLookupKeysym ( ( XKeyEvent *)&e,0))&1<<5){ h=10; i[c]=!i[c]; c++; c&=3; } else E(0)} glClear( GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT ) ; glLoadIdentity(); gluLookAt ( -2 ,0 ,5 ,0,0 ,0,0 ,0 ,1 ) ; H GL_LIGHTING); H GL_LIGHT0 ); U GL_POSITION, i + 4); U O) ; U GL_SPECULAR,i); glLightModelfv( GL_LIGHT_MODEL_AMBIENT,i +8) ; I GL_AMBIENT, i+8); I O + 8 ) ; glRotatef( g, 1, 1, 1) ; P glTranslatef(-h,0,0); P usleep (4000); g+=.07*x; if (g>360) g-=360.0; h-=x /100.0; glFlush(); glXSwapBuffers L ,w);} l: return 0; }
2006 - birken
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #define PI 314 #define Z if #define P a->b #define Q else #define W =f(); #define X char #define J while #define N return #define V struct e #define g(_,a)((_&&a)?!strcmp(_,a):0) typedef V*d; V{ d o,_; X*b; int c; }; d f() { d _=(d)malloc(sizeof(V)); _ ->b=0; _->o=_->_=0; _->c=1>>1>1; N _; } d k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r; d j () { d _=l; d a W a->o W l->o=a; l W l-> _=_; N a; } d u(d _, X*a){ J(_){ Z(g(a,_ ->b) ){ N _; } _= _->_; } N 0; } d s (X*q){ d _=n; Z (g("q", q)){ N o; } J(PI){ _=u(_,"cde"); _=_ -> _ ; Z ( g (q, _->b) ){ N _ ->_ ; } } } void t(d a, d _) { d S,I,M,U,L,A,T,O,R ; Z(a==o){ S W S->o W m->o=S; I=m; m W m->_=I; _=_-> _; J(_) { S->o->o=_->o; I=S->o; S->o W S->o->_=I; _->o->o->o=S; I=_->o->o; _ ->o->o W _->o->o->_=I; _=_->_; } } Q { M W _=_->_; J(57-*P){ U=M; U ->b=P; U->o=_->o; M W M->_=U; _=_->_; a=a->_; } a=a->_ ; J(a&&!g("qtm",P)&& !g("cde",P)){ L =s (P); a=a ->_; A= L; T W O= T; J(*L ->b-57){ R =g("/",P)?j():g (P,"0")?p:g("b",P)? q:g(P,"j")?r:0; Z(!!!R){ R=u(M,P); Z(!R) { R=j(); U=M; U->b=P; U->o=R; M W M->_=U; } Q{ R=R->o; } } O=O->_ W O->o=R; O->b=L ->b; L=L->_; a=a->_; } t(A, T); } } } void h(d e){ d _,a,c, z=e->o->_; J(z){ _=z->o; c=_->o->_; a= c->_->_->o; c=_ ->c?c->_->o :c->o; Z(c->c<a->c) { c ->c++; h(c); } Q Z(a->c<c->c){ a ->c++; h(a); } z=z->_; } } X* v(X*_,int O){ X*s=(X*)m\ alloc(strlen(_)*siz\ eof(X)); X*l=s; J((*l++=*_? *_-O:0) )_++ ;N s; } /**/ int ma\ in(){d a,_ ,b;d T,O,F,U , R, E, L, A, Y ; X c[PI],x[PI],w[PI],*y ,*B,*d,*K=v("Cvjme!dpnqmfuf;\ !&e!dpnqpofout-!&e!opeft/\x0b",1 ),*e=v("&e;!&t\x0b\0nbjo)*|jou!j>1\ <gps)<j=51<j,,*qsjoug)#&e!#-j+j,j,52\ *<~",1); int i,z,C,G,H,D,I ; k W l W m W n W o W p W q W r W b=o; for(*x=D=I =i=0; 5-i; i++){ b->b=i&4?v(";",2): v("s",2); b=b->_ W } H=p->c=1; p ->o W r->o W q->o W a=n; J(g\ ets(c)){ d=c; J(*d){ *d= *d<65||*d>90 ?*d:*d+ 32; d++; } y=s\ trchr(c,35) ; Z(y){ *y=0 ; } B =st\ rtok(c, " "); J(B) { a=a->_ W P=v( B,1); Z(g("qtm",P)) { _=a; } B=strtok(0," ") ; } } _=_->_; z=atoi(v(_->b,- 1)); _=_->_; C=atoi(v(_->b,-1)); G=C; _=_->_; T=s(_->b); _=_->_; O W F=O; U=k; J(_&&!g( "cde",_->b)){ i=*_ ->b; R=i-47?48-i?i-98?106-i?0:r:q:p:j( ); Z(!R){ R=j(); U=U->_ W U->o=R; } F = F->_ W F->o=R; _=_->_; } t(T, O); E=m->_; J(E){ D++; E=E->_; } L=l ->_; J(L){ I++; L =L->_; } p\ rintf(K,D,I); for(i='\'' /'\''; z>i; i++){ J( !--G){ G=C; H=1 -H ; break; } r->c= ! (q -> c= H) ; L= l->_; J (L) { L->o ->c=!1; L=L->_; } h(p); Z(q->c){ h( q); } Q{ h(r); } E=m->_; J(E){ A=E->o; A->c=A->o->_->_ ->_->_->o->c; E= E->_; } Y=k->_; d=w; J(Y){ *d++=48+Y->o->c; Y=Y->_; } *d=0; Z(!g(w,x)){ strcpy(x,w); pri\ ntf (e, i, w ) ; } } N 0 ; }
2006 - hamre
#define q [v+a] #define c b[1] #define O 1 q #define o 0 q #define r(v,a\ )v<0&&( v*=-1, a*=-1); #define p(v,m, s,w)*c==*#v?2 q\ <m?(c++ ,d=1,3 q=0,5 q=m,main\ (a+3,b) ,o=o*s q,O=O* w q):0: static d,v[99 ];main (int a, char**b ){d=7; if(*c?! (p(+,3 ,4 q+O* 3,4)p( -,(o?3 :(O=1,6 )),4 q -O*3,4) p(*,4,3 ,4)p(/ ,5,4,3) p((),d, 0+3,0+ 04)*c== ')'?2 q <02?(c ++,0):0 :(o=012 *o+*c- '0',c++ ,O=1)): 2 q?3- 2:printf( "%d/%d" "\n",o ,O))return 1;d=a,r (o,d)r (O,d)3 q =o<O?(4 q=o,O) :(4 q=O, o);r(d, o)a+=3;O? 1:(O=1,2 q=1);while (2 q=o%1 q)a++;v[d]/=O;d[ v+1]/=O;return main(d,b);}
2006 - monge
#include <stdlib.h> #include <SDL.h> #include <sys/mman.h> #define M(a) mmap(0, a, PROT_EXEC|PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANON, -1, 0) #define W 400 #define H 300 #define I 128 #define L char* #define _ Sint32 #define h(a,b) for(a=0; a<b; a++) #define O while( #define b D[j][i][ #define J(b) a(#b) SDL_Event e; SDL_Surface *F; float f, m, n,d,D[H][W][6], v; L A; L X; L V,G[H][W]; L E ; L Q; double R=2/( W-1. ),T=2/(H-1.),c,g, z=2 ,* K,*Z,*S; _ B, C, o,i,j,q,k,l,x,y,*u,Y=512; P( L f){ *(u=V)=f-X-5; V+=4; } a(L e){ O l=*e++) l-38?l==36?s(2),o--:l-37?*V++=l==35?k=*e++ ,k* 16+*e++-81:l^128:o>7?J(Yv]#JJ), P(S++):o++ :s(4); } s(_ n){ O o<n){ J(]#IB); P(--S); J(]); *V ++=217+o++; } } p(L e,_ q,L *t){ _ x=9; do{ A="%]#IB" ; _ i =*e; 5==q?*K=strtod(e,t),e-*t?e=*t,a(A),P(K++), J(%Yn) : i<6 ?p ( e+1,4,t),i-5||J(Y`YIY`YI), e=*t:i>96?a(A),P(Z+i-97),a (A),P (Z+*e++-71) :(p(index( e, 40)+1,1,t), i^82?i^73?i^65?i^69?i^76?1:J (%YhY`%YmY}]YYB%YBXHYIXH$^A$YqYJ$Ys):J(%Y{YJ%Yj^IY@Y|\\iYIYp%Yh$^AY}$]Y\\J$^I) : J(XHYIXH^AYn):J(]YYn) : J (]XYn),e= index( *t,41 )+ 1): p ( e , q+ 1, &e); A = "&%YCXJYLXIYK\\J$^I$^k$^A"; (x -=3)<1?J(&]X]Y),1L <<31<0? J(Zi_`#JO):J(_i]X),x ?J (#HH):J(#HC),J(#AD#IJPC) ,o-=4:--x?--x?--x?x-3?J(&%YA%YAXHYIXH^AYh$^q\\J$^IY`) , a(A): 1:a(A):J(&$^j$^j):J(&$^B$^B); } O q==(x=*(*t=e++))/2); } main(_ r,L*U){ X =V=(Z =(S=(K=M(Y*32))+Y)+ Y)+Y; J(h#AA#AA#AA#AA#FJ:+-*/); h(q,2){ A =E =Q=U[ q+1]; O * A=*A^B++ [ ";<>+-*/" ]?*A:B,(B%=7)||(isspace(*E=*A)||++E,*A++)); E=V; O B=*Q){ if(Q[1]-61)p( Q,1,&Q); else{ p(Q+2,1,&Q); h(j,2){ J(]#JJ); P(Z+B-71-j*26); o--; } } *Q&&Q++; } } J(#PPJ#AP#IF); P (E -V+X +1); J(#IJPC); 0[u =X+7] =I; SDL_Init( 32 ); F= SDL_SetVideoMode(W,H,8 ,0); A=F->pixels; B=F->pitch; O 1){ C^=3; h(j,H)h(i, W )b C+2]=9; if(r=(k =SDL_GetMouseState(&x,&y))&5){ f=z/50; f=k&1 ?f:-f ; c+=(x*T-T/R)*f; g += f*y*T-f; z*=f=1-f/z; v=1/f; h(j,H)h(i,W)h(q,4){ k= x+(i- x)* f +q/2; l=y+(j-y)*f+q%2; if(k>=0&k<W&l>=0&l<H){ m=x+(k+D[ l][k ][ 3-C]-x)*v-i; n=y+( l+D[l][k][4 -C]-y)*v-j; d= m*m+ n*n; if ( d<b C+2]){ b C]=m; b C+1]=n; b C+2]=d; G[j][i]=A[l*B+ k ]; } } } } h(j,H)h(i,W)if(q=b C+2]){ Z[2]=(i *T-T / R)*z+c; Z[28]=z-j *T*z-g; Z[8]= 0; Z[34]=1; q =((_(* )( ))X)(); A[j* B+i]=q? *u-q:0; h(q,3)b C+q]=0; } else A[j*B+i]=G[j][i]; SDL_UpdateRect(F, 0,0,W,H); O(r?SDL_PollEvent:SDL_WaitEvent)(&e )) { k=e.type; l=e.key.keysym.sym; if ( k== 12|k== 2& l ==27)return; if( e.type-5?k== 2&(l==270|l== 269)?*u=l-270 ? *u/2:*u*2:0:1 ) break; } } }
2006 - night
#include <ncurses.h> #define T typedef unsigned T long G; T short CT; #define ATG srand(time(0)); initscr(); cbreak(); noecho(); start_color(); #define GG(T,C) attrset(A_BOLD*!(T)|COLOR_PAIR(C%2+1)); #define AC(G) init_pair(G/2,G,nodelay(stdscr,G/3)); #define TCT(A,G,C) mvaddch(A+CTT*6+4,CGA*12+G,C) #define AGG A&2?119:115:A&1?100:97 #define CAT mvprintw(2,40,"%d",TC) #define GAT int main() #define AAA refresh() #define TAG endwin() #define GCA clear() #define TCA clock() #define CCC rand() #define CC getch() #define GA return #define T(T) #T#T#T#T#T#T T #define G(G) while(G) #define A(A) A { A } G AA[1<<16]; G GT[1<<16]; G CAA, CA, CTG, TA, CG, CTT, CGA, TC, T, GTC; char *ACG="HXXTP02^OCBHL\\XP``T^NDP800SQSW\\X@@@0c13RZLLH<WWWWWWWW .jW Wq. '9W WP'